
  • 网络INDI Bag
  1. 完整人红细胞被成功地包埋于聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(PAG)和聚乙烯醇(PVA)。

    Intact human erythrocytes have successfully entrapped in polyacrylamide gel ( PAG ) and polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) .

  2. 捕获探针通过3′端修饰的氨基与微量DNA结合板孔表面的NOS基团化学结合而被竖直地包被在反应板上;

    The capture probe can be coated to the surface of DNA binding well through the chemical binding between amino modified at 3 ′ end of probe and NOS group on wells .

  3. 我们在当地的肉铺停下,买了几块羊排,几个土豆和一些青豆,用箔纸严严实实地包好,小心地放在我的福特Ka车(FordKa)的引擎上,然后就出发了。

    We stopped at the local butcher and bought a handful of lamb chops , a few potatoes and some green beans , wrapped them very thoroughly in foil , carefully put them on the engine of my Ford Ka and set off .

  4. 1.2~5层神经束膜细胞紧密地包绕着神经束。

    2-5 layers of the perineurial cells surround the nerve fasciculus .

  5. 里面有三个盒子,安全地包在泡沫塑料之中。

    Inside were three boxes , packed securely in Styrofoam peanuts .

  6. 暗绿色的长叶松散地包卷在拉长的头部的莴苣。

    Lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head .

  7. 我只想将你紧紧地包住。

    I just want to wrap myself around you .

  8. 浣熊妈妈拉着奇奇的手,用他的手指把那个亲亲小心地包起来。

    She took Chester 's hand and carefully wrapped his fingers around the kiss .

  9. 修理电视机除夕之夜,家家都在高兴地包饺子看电视。

    On the eve of Spring Festival , people were making dumplings while watching TV .

  10. 为了起到保护作用,营业员用薄纸仔细地包好镜片。

    The shop assistant wrapped the glasses carefully in tissue in order to protect them .

  11. 他的礼物是用杂货袋上弄下来的厚厚的棕色纸粗陋地包着。

    His presents were clumsily wrapped in the heavy , brown paper that he got from a grocery bag .

  12. 他的脸憔悴瘦削,干羊皮似的棕色皮肤紧紧地包着一把突出的骨头。

    His face was lean and haggard , and the brown parchment - like skin was drawn tightly over the projecting bones ;

  13. 成品会成对地包在蜡纸筒里上桌,迄今依然是罗马犹太区在不二选的夏季开胃菜。

    Served in pairs , wrapped in cones of wax paper , they remain the summer appetizer of choice in Rome 's Jewish ghetto .

  14. 小女孩接过鸡腿,小心翼翼地包在小布片里,又往前走。走啊走,好不容易走到了玻璃上。山门紧琐着。

    The girl took the leg , wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth , and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain .

  15. 直到现在,还有不少的人,把马克思列宁主义书本上的某些个别字句看作现成的灵丹圣药,似乎只要得了它,就可以不费气力地包医百病。

    Even now , there are not a few people who still regard odd quotations from Marxist-Leninist works as a ready made panacea which , once acquired , can easily cure all maladies .

  16. 不管怎样,反正你已经来了,手里拿着一把烤串,它们用箔纸松散地包着,散发出烟熏味和咸味,上面撒着诱人的孜然和辣椒:整只尖青椒像爪子一样,比竹签还长,特别辣;

    No matter . You 're here now , with a fistful of skewers in loose foil , smoky , salty and heady with cumin and chile : a talonlike whole green pepper , longer than the stick it 's impaled on and crazily hot ;

  17. 傍河取水水源地包气带防护性能差,被污染的河水在入渗补给地下水的过程中对地下水造成了污染,饮用后直接威胁人体健康。

    The saturated gas layer of riverside groundwater resource don 't defend the aquiferous layer well , so it pollutes the groundwater when the river that was polluted filter into and replenish the groundwater , it threatens the human 's health if the groundwater was drank .

  18. 他小心翼翼地放下包,然后说道:"非常感谢。"

    He put down the bag carefully and said , " Thank you so much . "

  19. 报告、分析或指示板等IBMCognos8BI内容直接或间接地基于包。

    IBM Cognos 8 BI content such as reports , analyses or dashboards are directly or indirectly based on packages .

  20. 用IP地址和MAC认证消息根据不同网络协议选择不同位数灵活地进行包标记。

    This method uses IP address and MAC authentication information based on different network protocols to choose for different packet marking median .

  21. 通过FM或隐式地把包直接发布到PROD是相当少见的。

    It 's rather unusual to have packages published to PROD directly , either by FM or implicitly .

  22. 但在苹果现任首席执行长库克(TimCook)的领导下,苹果正将其业务更加公平地分包给另一家知名度较小的供应商。这家科技巨头的供应链因此变得更加平衡。

    But under current Chief Executive Tim Cook , Apple is dividing its weight more equally with a relatively unknown supplier , giving the technology giant a greater supply-chain balance .

  23. 通常,使用用户数据报协议(UDP)的应用程序都可能会比较注意带宽方面的限制,以最大限度地减少包的丢失。

    It 's a fair assumption that an application that uses the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) is probably already aware of this limitation , since such a server would want to minimize packet loss .

  24. 由于BigInteger已经被先前的导入语句导入到作用域中,因此无需显式地使用包名限定类名。

    And because BigInteger has already been put into scope by the previous import statement , there 's no need to explicitly package-qualify the class name .

  25. LVS-NAT操作控制器服务器的方式是,获取发往特定配置的端口的引入包,并动态地在包的头部重写目的地址。

    LVS-NAT operates on a director server by grabbing incoming packets that are destined for configuration-specified ports and rewriting the destination address in the packet header dynamically .

  26. 他把地图整齐地塞进包里。

    He fitted the map snugly into the bag .

  27. 从朋友那儿回到家,我烦恼地发现包忘了拿。

    After visiting a friend I was annoyed to discover when I got home that I 'd left my bag behind .

  28. 因此,系统地研究包晶合金(准)共生生长机制具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    Accordingly , systemic studies on peritectic ( quasi ) coupled growth mechanism possess significant values in both theory and application .

  29. 这使得膝上型电脑可以在一个对等网络中(无需单独的路由器)彼此自主地传送包。

    This allows laptops to autonomously route packets between themselves in a peer-to-peer network ( without the need for a separate router ) .

  30. 这些变化不仅涉及水交换带中的所有含水层,而且最迅速、最强烈地影响包气带水。

    These changes not only involve all kinds of the water exchange within the aquifer , but also affect vadose zone water rapidly and strongly .