
  • 网络geological instrument;geological instrumentations
  1. 野外X荧光分析仪是一种新型的核地质仪器,它能在野外现场快速测定Cu,As等多种重要元素。

    The fieldwork X ray fluorescence analyzer is a new nuclear geological instrument , which can determine Cu , As and more other important elements quickly in field .

  2. 本文讨论了地质仪器在野外低温下长时间工作时,仪器性能受到的影响及其解决办法。

    The working characteristics of the geological instrument that it works under low tem - perature circumstances for a long time and its solving method are discussed in the paper .

  3. wws-1型数字双无定向磁力仪由北京地质仪器厂批量生产。

    Abstract WWS-1 type digital-double astatic magnetometers are being produced in batches by Beijing Geological Instruments Factory .

  4. 本文针对我国地质仪器的现状,提出了地质仪器与装备设计中的一些人机工程问题。

    In this paper , man-machine engineering in the design of the geological apparatus and equipment in condition of the geological apparatus present state are put forward .

  5. 通过对井中磁力仪结构设计中人机系统的研究,阐述了磁力仪结构的选择、界面的设计、地上操纵设备及包装等装备的宜人性问题,进一步说明对地质仪器与装备人机系统设计研究的重要性。

    Explore the man-machine system in magnetic apparatus structure design , expound selection of structuring yards in magnetic apparatus , interface design and the pleasant nature of superterranean operating mechanism and packing facilities , explain the important of man-machine system design and exploring in geological apparatus and equipment .

  6. 地质灾害监测仪器及工程应用

    Geological hazard monitoring instrument and it 's engineering application

  7. 工程地质原位测试仪器的虚拟化研究

    Virtual Design of Geological Engineering In-Situ Measurement Instruments

  8. 围岩地质力学测试仪器包括小孔径水压致裂地应力测量装置、围岩强度原位测量装置及钻孔窥视仪的技术特征与使用方法;

    The technical parameters and operation methods of the geomechanics instruments are introduced , including small borehole hydrofracturing stress measurement device , wall rock strength measurement device and fiber borehole observation rig .

  9. 地质灾害监测新仪器&激光微小位移监测系统

    A New Instrument on Geological Hazard Monitoring & Laser Monitoring System on Displacement

  10. 煤田水文地质勘探电磁法仪器专业化的思考

    Specialization of electromagnetic instruments for coalfield hydro-geological exploration

  11. 地质形貌成象仪器真彩色图象处理技术的研究与应用

    Miscellanea research and application of true colour imagery processing technology of topographic imaging instrument

  12. 地质矿山核电子仪器

    Nuclear electronic instrument for geological-mining

  13. 下部仍在滑移,最大滑移速度为0.5mm/d.文中还叙述了该水电站厂房边坡的地质条件、监测仪器及其布置埋设,可供借鉴。

    The geological conditions in the slope of power house , monitoring instruments and its management were also introduced .

  14. 中国石油学会石油科技装备委员会地质实验学组于1987年成立以来,在地质实验室仪器配置、引进应用、国产化改造、推广交流等方面做了很多工作。

    Since geological experiment group of petroleum scientific and technological equipment committee of China Petroleum Society was founded in 1987 , it has done a lot of work in device configurations , partial modifications , introduction and applications , generalization and exchanges , etc. .

  15. 因此,施工中的超前地质预报就变的越来越重要,而复合式激电仪就是一种用于超前地质预报的仪器。

    Therefore , advanced geological prediction becomes more and more important in the construction , and the composite type IP instrument is one of the instruments for that .

  16. PGS型中地层地质剖面仪(又称精密地质声呐)系由中国科学院声学研究所东海研究站和交通部水运规划设计院共同研制和开发的新的海洋地质仪器。

    Model PGS Mid-stratigraphic Geological Profiler is a new geological instrument developed jointly by East China Sea Acoustical Lab , Institute of Acoustics , Academia Sinica , and the Water Transportation Planning & Designing Institute , Ministry of Communication .