
  • 网络Main mineral;hosted mineral;host minerals;host;host crystal
  1. 由流体包裹体及其主矿物的测定,计算出各构造阶段的热动力学条件。

    From the measurements of fluid inclusions and host minerals we have calculated the thermodynamical and kinetic conditions in each of the tectonic stages .

  2. 应用化学分析、X射线衍射、红外光谱、扫描电镜、差热热重等分析手段对高山寿山石进行了主矿物的研究。

    Based on such analytical means as chemical analysis , XRD , IR , SEM and TG-DTA , the author carried on the research on the main mineral of Shoushan stone from Gaoshan district .

  3. 包裹体在主矿物中一般随机分布,如孤立状、星点状、星散状等。

    The inclusions are naturally random distributing with situation , as isolated , starred , scattered and so on .

  4. 石英主矿物性质和方位对甲烷浓度定量分析的影响可以忽略。

    The property and orientation of quartz do little effect on obtaining the concentration of methane in fluid inclusion .

  5. 天池火山的岩浆演化符合分离结晶作用的演化趋势,橄榄石、辉石和斜长石等主矿物的结晶分异起了决定性的作用。

    The magma evolution of the Tianchi volcano was deeply affected by crystallization differentiation , in which fractional crystallizations of olivines , pyroxenes and plagioclases played important roles .

  6. 分别从主成矿阶段矿物组合、基底控矿、盖层、岩体、重磁线性构造、矿床密集区及系统论工程的角度探讨了金矿构造化探问题。

    The structure-geochemical prospecting of gold deposit was discussed by mineral association of main ore-forming phase , basal ore controlling , rock body , linear structure of gravity and magnetic , dense area of ore deposits and system project .

  7. 基于主成分分析的矿物浮选泡沫图像分类与识别

    Classification and recognition of mineral flotation froth images based on principal component analysis

  8. 结果表明,贵州普安矿区2号主采煤层的矿物组成主要为低温热液流体成因的黄铁矿和陆源碎屑成因的黏土矿物;

    The results show that minerals in the No. 2 coal are mainly pyrite of low-temperature hydrothermal origin and clay minerals of detrital terrigenous origin .

  9. 主期阶段的矿物组合在云母片岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+石英+磁铁矿±钠云母±绿帘石/黝帘石;

    The mineral assemblages in the main stage are garnet + phengite + quartz + magnetite ± paragonite ± epidote / zoisite in the mica schist ;