
zhǔ dònɡ mài nèi qì nánɡ fǎn bó
  • intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
  1. 结论AMI并休克者心肌梗死面积大,急性肺水肿、心律失常和肺炎合并症多,需主动脉内气囊反搏者多。

    Conclusion Shock patients more likely have pump failure , arrhythmia , and pneumonia and more often underwent intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation .

  2. 主动脉内气囊反搏中的抗凝治疗:真的需要抗凝吗?

    Anticoagulation therapy in intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation : Does IABP really need anti-coagulation ?

  3. 目的总结本院使用主动脉内气囊反搏(IABP)治疗心脏术后低心排综合征13例的效果。

    Objective To review thirteen patients with postoperative low cardiac output syndrome in our hospital treated with intra - aortic balloon counterpulsation ( IABP ) .

  4. 冠状动脉旁路移植术患者(CABG)506例,19例使用主动脉内气囊反搏(IABP)。

    To introduce the experience in application of intra aortic balloon pump ( IABP ) in coronary artery bypass grafting ( CABG ), 506 consecutive CABG performed from March 1997 to October 2001 including 19 cases who needed IABP support were retrospectively studied .

  5. 双腔主动脉内气囊反搏的血流动力学影响的研究

    Study on the hemodynamic effects of double chamber intra-aortic balloon pumping

  6. 主动脉内气囊反搏对人体外周血流影响的计算机仿真实验

    The Simulation Effects of Intraaortic Balloon Pumping on Peripheral Blood Flow

  7. 双腔主动脉内气囊反搏对肾脏循环的影响

    Effects of the Double Chamber Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping on the Renal Circulation

  8. 主动脉内气囊反搏治疗心源性休克病人的护理

    Nursing Care of Patients With Cardiogenic Shock Treated by Endaortic Balloon Counterpulsation

  9. 用主动脉内气囊反搏抢救术后低排综合征成功一例报告

    Successful salvage of a patient with postcardiotomy low-output syndrome by intra-aortic balloon pumping

  10. 重症体外循环中主动脉内气囊反搏术的临床估价

    Clinical Evaluation of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping in Critical Illed Patients during Extracorporeal Circulation

  11. 优化主动脉内气囊反搏的血液动力学效应

    Hemodynamic Effect of Optimized Double Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping

  12. 左冠状动脉主干狭窄时主动脉内气囊反搏的影响

    The Effect of Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping in Case of Left Main Coronary Artery Stenosis

  13. 超声引导床旁主动脉内气囊反搏抢救心源性休克

    Intra-aortic balloon pump implantation guided by echocardiography at bedside to salvage patients with cardiogenic shock

  14. 老年重症急性左心衰竭及心源性休克的主动脉内气囊反搏治疗

    Intra-aortic balloon pumping in the treatment of elderly with serious acute left ventricular failure and cardiogenic shock

  15. 本文介绍主动脉内气囊反搏和体外反搏装置的原理和临床应用。

    This paper represents the principle and the clinical application of Intra-Aortie Balloon and External Counter Pulsation Device .

  16. 说明主动脉内气囊反搏对人体脑、肝、腹部及肾部不仅无害,反而有益。

    In conclusion the IABP is benefit for the blood circulation of brain , liver , and kidney .

  17. 脉动流对涡轮流量计精确度的影响主动脉内气囊反搏和体外反搏装置

    A Study for The Performance of The Turbine Flowmeter Under The Pulsation Intra-Aortic Balloon and External Counter Pulsation Device

  18. 本文总结了用国产装置对7头犬进行主动脉内气囊反搏的实验研究。

    IABP was carried out in7 dogs with our own made balloon and an improved home-made counterpulsation pumping device .

  19. 作者以自行设计的模拟循环器测试了在不同“生理状态”下主动脉内气囊反搏的效果。

    The authors designed a mock circulation system for the observation of the effects of different physiological factors on the performance of IABP .

  20. 双囊式主动脉内气囊(DIAB)反搏的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Double Intra Aortic Balloon ( DIAB ) Pumping