
  • 网络sinus node artery;sna
  1. 双源CT检测窦房结动脉及其临床意义

    Dual source CT in detection of the sinus node artery and its clinical significance

  2. 目的了解冠状动脉(冠脉)造影下窦房结动脉(sinusnodeartery,SNA)的形态与起源,明确窦房结动脉相关病变与病态窦房结综合征(Sicksinussyndrome,SSS)的关系。

    Objective To investigate the morphology and the origin of sinus node artery ( SNA ) with coronary angiography and to make clear the relationship between sinus node artery related lesion and sick sinus syndrome ( SSS ) .

  3. 中央层:该层P细胞束沿着窦房结动脉平行排列,并组成结的大部分,其细胞直径在成人为5.18μm;

    The central layer , making up the main mass of the node : most P cells in which are arranged parallel to the node artery . In adult the diameter of P cells in this layer is 5.18 μ m ;

  4. 结论:豚鼠窦房结动脉多数位于其边缘并受丰富的NOS和NPY能神经支配,对调节窦房结血液供应可能有重要作用。

    Conclusions : The nodal artery is dominated by plentiful NOS - and NPY-containing nerve fibers . It may play a role for regulating the blood flow of sino-atrial node in guinea-pig .

  5. 窦房结动脉大多位于结的边缘,结内胶原纤维丰富。

    There was abundant collagen fibers in the nodal region .

  6. 窦房结动脉的影像学评价及其与病态窦房结综合征的关系

    Angiography of the sinus node artery and its relationship with sick sinus syndrome

  7. 窦房结动脉的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the S-A node artery

  8. 统计处理:窦房结动脉起源用构成比计算;

    Statistical analysis : The origin of the sinus node artery was calculated by constituent ratio ;

  9. 窦房结动脉相关病变指窦房结动脉发出点或发出点之前上级冠脉的狭窄或闭塞等病变。

    The sinus node artery related lesion referred to the stenosis or occlusion of the sinus node artery or of coronary arteries proximal to the sinus node artery .

  10. 心肌梗死急性期出现的房颤一部分就是由于出现了心房梗死,常发生在右冠脉于窦房结动脉发出前闭塞或回旋支于左心房回旋支发出前闭塞的病例。

    A part of new-atrial fibrillation in the acute phase of myocardial infarction results from atrial myocardial infarction because of the occlusion of the right coronary artery before the sinus node branch or the circumflex coronary artery before the left atrial circumflex branch .

  11. 选取511人中全部有窦房结动脉相关病变的病例29人为实验1组,同时选对照29人为对照1组,比较2组的心率及病态窦房结综合征发病情况;

    All the 29 patients with sinus node artery related lesions in the 511 patients were taken as study group 1 , chose another 29 patients as control group 1 at the same time . The heart rate and number of sick sinus syndrome of the 2 groups were compared ;

  12. 结果:人窦房结中央动脉管壁的纤维网架分为内膜、中膜和外膜3层;

    Results : The collagen fibers of the central artery penetrated to the node may be divided into 3 layers : intima , media and adventitia .

  13. 目的:观察人窦房结胶原纤维网架的构筑及其与窦房结中央动脉的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the architecture of collagen fibers of human sinoatrial node and its relationship to the central artery penetrated to the node .

  14. 窦房结中心区的细胞集落,全都存在于窦房结动脉周围。

    These cell clusters in the central part of the sinus node are all around the sinus node artery .