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  • 网络Dou's;Miss Dou
  1. 窦氏青山是人们的俗称,正式名称为安成侯墓。

    " Doushiqingshan " is a common name and the formal name is " Tomb of An Cheng Hou " .

  2. 窦氏家族是东汉时期一个声名显赫的家族,在东汉历史上发挥了重要的作用。

    The Dou family is an illustrious family in the age of Donghan dynasty which had produced a marked effect .

  3. 在村子一角的祠堂里,供着窦氏从始祖以下二十代列祖列宗的神主牌位。

    In an old temple at the corner of the village , there were the ancestral tablets of twenty generations dating back to the first Tou who had made his way into these hills .

  4. 和帝于公元92年与宦官郑众等人合力诛灭窦氏,掌握实权,郑众因功封侯。

    In 92 , Emperor He allied with his eunuch , Zheng Zhong , finally destroyed the power of the Dou clan and grasped the power himself . Zheng Zhong was granted the title of Marquise for it .

  5. 扶风窦氏是唐代一个重要的文学家族,特别是在中唐时期,其家族文学与学术发展逐步成熟,在当时具有一定的代表性。

    The clan Dou of Fufeng is an important literary family in the Tang Dynasty . Especially in the Middle of Tang Dynasty , this family became mature in its literary and academic achievements , which is representative in that time .

  6. 从脏腑经络气血、腧穴的定位诊断和作用、针灸治疗、针刺的作用原理4个方面探讨窦氏《标幽赋》的针灸学术价值。

    The academic value of acupuncture and moxibustion in Dou 's " Biaoyoufu " is discussed from four aspects , 1.the organs , meridians , Qi and blood ; 2.the location diagnosis and actions of acupoints ; 3.acupuncture and moxibustion treatment ;

  7. 在电镜下观察到肝细胞之间有着非常丰富的肝血窦和枯否氏细胞,是鱼类非常重要的免疫细胞,在鱼类非特异性免疫中发挥重要作用。

    Observation is have very rich liver blood holes between arriving at hepatocyte and dried up in the electricity under electron microscope . These cells are very important immunocyte of fish .

  8. 西北大族内部分为马、窦两大集团,窦氏及其追随者梁氏更多的脱离了地方,依附于皇权,而马氏则是关中地方势力的代表。

    Interior had been divided into two groups , Ma clan family , Dou clan family and his followers that attached to imperial power had been left out of this place . And Ma clan family was the local forces in the behalf of the relevant .