
  1. 从关汉卿的文化思想看《窦娥冤》的价值取向

    The Value of Dou'E Yuan from Guan Hanqing 's Culture Idea

  2. 绝望的毁灭&从关汉卿创的作心态看《窦娥冤》的悲剧指向

    Desperate Ruin & On the Tragic Direction of Innocent DOU E

  3. 对窦娥与吴月娘悲剧意蕴的多维探析

    A Multi-directional Probe into the Tragedies Of DOU'E and WU Yue-niang

  4. 论《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》中的复仇鬼魂

    A Commentary On Ghost Revenge In Hamlet And Dower 's Grudge

  5. 欲望的无望挣扎&论窦娥

    The Hopeless Struggle of Desire & On the Character of DOU E

  6. 艺术上的巨大成功&谈《窦娥冤》的人物塑造

    Great Artistic Success & on the Character Creation of Dou E Yuan

  7. 《窦娥冤》中的司法模式与司法理念研究

    Dou E Yuan in the Judicial Model and Study the Concept of Justice

  8. 窦娥三桩誓言所蕴涵的信仰民俗

    Folk Beliefs of Three Oaths on Injustice of Dou'e

  9. 冲突的起源&《窦娥冤》的戏剧性

    Origin of Conflicts : Theatricality of Snow in Summer

  10. 试论造成窦娥悲剧的原因

    Comments on the Cause of Dou'e 's Tragedy

  11. 窦娥的悲剧&传统司法中的证据问题

    The Tragedy of Dou E : The Problem of Evidence in Traditional Chinese Justice

  12. 从《哈姆雷特》与《窦娥冤》看中西悲剧

    Chinese and Western Tragedy in " Dou E Yuan " and " Hamlet "

  13. 导致窦娥悲剧的直接原因是古代社会黑暗的吏治;

    The immediate cause of Tou E 's tragedy was corruption among officials in feudal society .

  14. 接受·扬弃·创造&《窦娥冤》与《金锁记》戏曲艺术经验传承比较研究

    Accept , Sublation , Creation & and , a Comparative Research of Inheritance Experience of Traditional Opera

  15. 如何面对窦娥的悲剧&与苏力先生商榷

    How Should We Look at the Tragedy of Dou E : A Discussion with Professor Su Li

  16. 论窦娥形象的内涵及《窦娥冤》的创作意图

    Connotation of the Image of Dou'e in Snow in Midsummer and Guan 's Purpose in Writing the Play

  17. 窦娥与安娜·克里斯蒂的悲剧角色比较&女性在父权社会中的他者地位

    Comparison of Tragic Characters of Dou E and Anna Christie Female 's the Other Status in Patriarchal Society

  18. 客观2字是我们是否实事求是评价《窦娥冤》以及一系列类似《窦娥冤》作品的关键所在。

    " Objective " is the key for us to evaluate " Dou Eyuan " and some similar works .

  19. 而窦娥的被卖显得如此寻常,或许正好可以体现出整个社会之不正常。

    Which was sold Dou seems so unusual , perhaps just to reflect the whole society is not normal .

  20. 元杂剧《窦娥冤》的法理解读&中国古代民众超现实的实质正义观简论

    Jurisprudence Explanation of Yuan Drama Doueyuan & On The Surreal and Substantive Notion of Justice of Ancient Chinese Crowd

  21. 《窦娥冤》与元代法制的若干问题试析一场不公平的诉讼

    A Preliminary Study of The Unjust Case of Dou E and Some Issues Concerning the Yuan Dynasty Legal System

  22. 昏庸的官府与恶势力的勾结,让窦娥的命运走向了悲剧的怪圈。

    Incompetent official collusion with evil , so that the fate of Dou E to the cycle of tragedy .

  23. 另外,学界对窦娥悲剧的性质和成因的探讨也多有偏颇和缺失。

    In addition , the academic nature of Dou and causes of the tragedy of too many biased and missing .

  24. 文章从比较文学的角度,比较了《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》两部悲剧其有共性的一面。

    In this article , the author compared something in common in these two tragedies from the aspect of comparative literature .

  25. 苔丝狄蒙娜与窦娥是中西方悲剧女性的典型代表。

    Desdemona and Dou E are regarded as the representatives of tragic female images in the Western and Chinese cultures respectively .

  26. 剧中描写了善良的女子窦娥,遭到坏人陷害,被官府关进监狱,最终含冤被杀的故事。

    It tells of a kind-hearted young woman falsely accused and thrown into prison by the local authorities and finally murdered .

  27. 在《窦娥冤》剧中,窦天章的出场次数并不算多。

    In " Dou E 's Case of Injustice ", Dou Tianzhang 's appearance is not as much as the main character .

  28. 元代关汉卿创作的《窦娥冤》取得了巨大的文学艺术成就。

    Dou'e Yuan written by Guan Hanqing of Yuan Dynasty had achieved a huge success from the perspective of literature and art .

  29. 长期以来,人们对窦娥这一形象存在着误读,从《窦娥冤》的情节看,窦娥是封建社会贞节孝妇的典型。

    Dou E is the model of feudalist society chastity or virginity filial piety woman as for " Snow in Midsummer " circumstances .

  30. 《窦娥冤》窦娥形象分析&兼谈元剧形象塑造中的人物矛盾

    An Analysis of the Image of Dou E in 《 Rancor of Dou E 》 & On the Contradictions in Characters in Yuan Drama