
  1. 王菲和窦唯的婚姻为她带来了快乐。

    Faye and Dou Wei 's marriage brought her great happiness .

  2. 和窦唯有一个女儿叫窦靖童。

    Has a daughter ( Dou , Jing-tong ) with'Dou , Wei '

  3. 为爱情而选择平凡的还有当年的王菲,她和窦唯在胡同里,端着尿盆的照片就被香港狗仔拍到,张曼玉坐个地铁算不上什么。

    Fay Wang also chose commonness for love in the former years . She was photographed by Hongkong 's paparazzi when she was taking the pot living in an alley with Douwei . It is a fig for Maggie Cheung to take the subway .