
  • 网络the injustice to dou e;snow in summer;Injustice to Dou'e
  1. 《窦娥冤》的悲剧主旨是人性的悲剧和社会的悲剧相交织。

    So the tragedy theme of 《 The Injustice to Dou E 》 is the mixture of the tragedy of humanity and the tragedy of society .

  2. 冲突的起源&《窦娥冤》的戏剧性

    Origin of Conflicts : Theatricality of Snow in Summer

  3. 从关汉卿的文化思想看《窦娥冤》的价值取向

    The Value of Dou'E Yuan from Guan Hanqing 's Culture Idea

  4. 绝望的毁灭&从关汉卿创的作心态看《窦娥冤》的悲剧指向

    Desperate Ruin & On the Tragic Direction of Innocent DOU E

  5. 论《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》中的复仇鬼魂

    A Commentary On Ghost Revenge In Hamlet And Dower 's Grudge

  6. 艺术上的巨大成功&谈《窦娥冤》的人物塑造

    Great Artistic Success & on the Character Creation of Dou E Yuan

  7. 《窦娥冤》中的司法模式与司法理念研究

    Dou E Yuan in the Judicial Model and Study the Concept of Justice

  8. 从《哈姆雷特》与《窦娥冤》看中西悲剧

    Chinese and Western Tragedy in " Dou E Yuan " and " Hamlet "

  9. 接受·扬弃·创造&《窦娥冤》与《金锁记》戏曲艺术经验传承比较研究

    Accept , Sublation , Creation & and , a Comparative Research of Inheritance Experience of Traditional Opera

  10. 客观2字是我们是否实事求是评价《窦娥冤》以及一系列类似《窦娥冤》作品的关键所在。

    " Objective " is the key for us to evaluate " Dou Eyuan " and some similar works .

  11. 元杂剧《窦娥冤》的法理解读&中国古代民众超现实的实质正义观简论

    Jurisprudence Explanation of Yuan Drama Doueyuan & On The Surreal and Substantive Notion of Justice of Ancient Chinese Crowd

  12. 《窦娥冤》与元代法制的若干问题试析一场不公平的诉讼

    A Preliminary Study of The Unjust Case of Dou E and Some Issues Concerning the Yuan Dynasty Legal System

  13. 文章从比较文学的角度,比较了《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》两部悲剧其有共性的一面。

    In this article , the author compared something in common in these two tragedies from the aspect of comparative literature .

  14. 在《窦娥冤》剧中,窦天章的出场次数并不算多。

    In " Dou E 's Case of Injustice ", Dou Tianzhang 's appearance is not as much as the main character .

  15. 元代关汉卿创作的《窦娥冤》取得了巨大的文学艺术成就。

    Dou'e Yuan written by Guan Hanqing of Yuan Dynasty had achieved a huge success from the perspective of literature and art .

  16. 《窦娥冤》窦娥形象分析&兼谈元剧形象塑造中的人物矛盾

    An Analysis of the Image of Dou E in 《 Rancor of Dou E 》 & On the Contradictions in Characters in Yuan Drama

  17. 《窦娥冤》是关汉卿最具代表的一部作品,经过750年的传播历程仍然闪烁着耀眼的光芒。

    " Dou Eyuan " is the most representative work of Guan Hanqing which is still shining out with great brilliancy passed through 750 years dissemination .

  18. 关汉卿的《窦娥冤》既展现了窦娥的人生悲剧和命运悲剧,亦展现了她作为女子的婚姻悲剧。

    Injustice to Dou E by Guan Hanqing not only exhibited Dou E 's life tragedy and destiny tragedy , but also marriage tragedy as a woman .

  19. 怎样控制它则涉及法律问题。《窦娥冤》与元代法制的若干问题试析

    How it is to be controlled raises legal problems . A Preliminary Study of The Unjust Case of Dou E and Some Issues Concerning the Yuan Dynasty Legal System

  20. 从《哈姆雷特》和《窦娥冤》看中西悲剧精神之差异及两种文化背景下的命运观

    Comparison between Tragic Spirit of Chinese Tragedy and That of Western Tragedy and the Cultural Origin of the Diversity between Them & Viewed from Dou E 's Earthshaking Wrong and Hamlet

  21. 命运观成就中西悲剧精神差异&《哈姆雷特》和《窦娥冤》之比较论《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》中的复仇鬼魂

    Discrepancy in Tragic Spirit of Chinese and Western Tragedies Accomplished by the View of Fortune-Comparison between Hamlet and Douwo ′ s Wrong A Commentary On Ghost Revenge In Hamlet And Dower 's Grudge

  22. 理清各版本之间的关系,指出各版本之于剧情人物形象刻画的优劣,实为全面研究和评价《窦娥冤》的基础。

    So handling the relation of each edition clearly , pointing out the quality of each edition that in plot and person image depicting , it is the foundation before we studying the drama DOU E YUAN .

  23. 《窦娥冤》的悲剧强度比起欧洲的经典悲剧来说有其天然的缺陷,它应属于中国式的苦情剧,即表现的是非对称的对抗,正义的一面经历过重叠性的灾难后导致毁灭。

    The tragedy intensity of Snow in Summer has its inherent shortcomings compared with European classical tragedies and belongs to typical Chinese tragedy that shows the unsymmetrical conflict : the justice side is destroyed after a set of sufferings .

  24. 本文试图以元代著名杂剧《窦娥冤》为例,来探讨元代法制的若干问题,以期有补于中国传统法制文化的研究。

    This paper attempts to take the well known Yuan play The Unjust Case of Dou E as an example in the discussion of the legal system in the Yuan Dynasty , expecting that it will replenish the study of traditional Chinese legal system .

  25. 论窦娥形象的内涵及《窦娥冤》的创作意图

    Connotation of the Image of Dou'e in Snow in Midsummer and Guan 's Purpose in Writing the Play

  26. 长期以来,人们对窦娥这一形象存在着误读,从《窦娥冤》的情节看,窦娥是封建社会贞节孝妇的典型。

    Dou E is the model of feudalist society chastity or virginity filial piety woman as for " Snow in Midsummer " circumstances .