
  1. 论文探讨了吴江图书馆新馆建设过程中融入的一些新理念,提出新的吴江图书馆实践了复合图书馆的理念、公共文化服务的理念和传承地方文化的理念。

    This paper discusses some new ideas adopted in the process of Wujiang new library 's construction . The author believes that Wujiang new library has carried out the ideas of Hybrid Library , public-culture service and the inheritance of local culture .

  2. 论文对当前县(市)图书馆的发展形势进行了分析在此基础上提出了图书馆建设的新设想,最后介绍了作者所在的吴江市图书馆在乡镇逐步实行分馆制的经验。

    On the basis of analyse of the current development of county libraries , the author puts forward a new tentative plan of libraries ' construction , and introduces experiences of Wujiang Library in gradually carrying out the branch library system in villages and towns .