
  1. 禾黍悲歌千古泪乾坤俯仰一吟身&论清初遗民诗人吴嘉纪及其诗歌

    The Discussion on the Early Qing Dynasty Poet-Wu Jiaji and His Poems

  2. 清初遗民诗人吴嘉纪及其诗歌创作研究

    A Study on Wu Jiaji and His Poetry , an Adherent Poet of Early Qing Dynasty

  3. 除此之外,吴嘉纪还受到了墨、道、佛等思想的影响。

    In addition , Wu Jiaji was also affected by Moism , Taoism , Buddhism and other thoughts .

  4. 吴嘉纪生活于明清易代之际,社会动荡不安,人民流离失所。

    He lived in the change from Ming to Qing Dynasty with the whole society unrest and people displaced .

  5. 动荡不安的社会背景,贫贱的出身,坚贞的傲骨,注定了吴嘉纪多舛的命运,坎坷的一生。

    The turbulent social background , humble origins and faithful characters all doomed many of the ups and downs of his rough life .