
  • 网络The All-Story Monthly
  1. 《月月小说》是一份承前启后的、富有探索性的刊物,它给晚清小说的多元化发展提供了契机。

    The All-Story Monthly is a translational journal , which provides the late Qing dynasty fictions with multi-elementary .

  2. 《月月小说》提倡短篇小说被称为其主要功绩,标志着晚清小说向近现代转型,是小说家们对于现代小说文体的有益尝试;

    Recommending short story in The All-story Monthly is known as its main contribution that indicates that Late Qing novel made the transition to modern times , and it is a beneficial trial of recreation of modern novels by novelists ;

  3. 《月月小说》与其他近代四大小说杂志的比较

    A Comparison between All-story Monthly and Four Novel Magazines

  4. 《新小说》、《绣像小说》、《月月小说》、《小说林》并称为近代四大小说杂志。

    The New Stories , The Tapestry Stories , The All-story Monthly and The Story Forest were characterized as the Four Modern Novel Magazines .

  5. 从《月月小说》叙事时间的创新,叙事视角的限制化、情节的淡化,我们可以看到中国清末小说叙事模式的转型。

    Through the innovative way of narrative time , the control of narrative angle of view , and simplified details , we can see the change of narrative pattern .

  6. 而对女性形象的关照、对西方小说的译介等亦从不同层面反映了《月月小说》等晚清小说期刊的新变。

    Moreover , the protect for women 's image , translation and introduction to the western novel , and so on , also , from different aspects , reflected the newly changing in novel periodicals of Late Qing , such as The All-story Monthly .