
Mr Shen , a former China chief executive of Fiat powertrain technologies , said no Western company could save Volvo .
Freeman H. Shen , a Shanghai-based sea turtle who is a top executive at Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. , a Chinese car maker , said some of his friends have good careers in China but ' want to move out of China because of the air-quality thing . '
Definitely we would like to go to China – this is the target , Mr Shen told the Financial Times .
Mr Shen says Geely is aware of the pitfalls , and is studying the lessons of deals such as saic-ssangyong .
In his own case , Mr. Shen 's two children are ages 5 and 11 years old ; they attend an international school in Shanghai with many American children .
These executives are moving to the U.S. with a Chinese company because they believe their children will have a better chance of getting into a good U.S. college if they complete high school there , said Mr. Shen , Geely Holding 's group vice president for corporate development and mergers and acquisitions .