
  1. 《糊涂世界》中动作动词占大多数,心理动词、使令动词、趋向动词、能愿动词、存现动词和联系动词较少。

    Secondly , most verbs in " Muddled World " are the action verbs and few of them are force-border verb , psychological verb , modal verb , directional verb and other verbs .

  2. 《糊涂世界》的动词中,文言词已经很少,首次出现的白话词也比较少,绝大多数是一致沿用到现在的动词。

    Lastly , classical Chinese verbs are seldom used in " Muddled World " and the first-appeared Vernacular Chinese verbs are also quite few . Most verbs in the novel are still used even in modern Chinese .