
hú tú chónɡ
  • blunderer;bungler
糊涂虫 [hú tú chóng]
  • [blunderer;bungler] 不明事理的人(骂人的话)

  1. 糊涂虫长着大耳朵,爱生气有一张愤怒的脸。

    Dopey has big ears and Grumpy has a grumpy face .

  2. 神父,糊涂虫是天主的什么人?

    Father , what does Joe have to do with god ?

  3. 秘书:为什么?经理:他竟在别人面前说我是糊涂虫。

    Manager : He said I was an idiocy fronting others .

  4. 她对于那些糊涂虫的无知无识,是有十分把握的。

    She had such confidence in the ignorance of those creatures .

  5. 他是个糊涂虫把自己的眼镜也丢了。

    He was an idiot to lose his glasses .

  6. 真是个糊涂虫!他忘了给咖啡壶插电。

    What a scatterbrain ! She forgot to plug in the coffee maker .

  7. 我一直就说她是十足的糊涂虫。

    I always said she was an awful fool .

  8. “她是个糊涂虫。”波儿狠狠地说。

    She 's a fool , said Pearl bitterly .

  9. 啊,那些妒忌人的糊涂虫竟然违心说钱无所谓!

    Oh , the jealous fools who said money was n 't everything !

  10. 他是个可爱的老糊涂虫。

    He 's a sweet old coot .

  11. 他还有个伙伴叫做糊涂虫。

    He has a partner gigolo joe .

  12. 你真是个糊涂虫,怎么能当他面说他女朋友的呢?

    You 're a real nitwit . Why should you Badmouth his girlfriend in his face ?

  13. 你是精明还是“糊涂虫”?

    Are You Sophisticated or Myopic ?

  14. 但是天降横财会让一个意志软弱的糊涂虫生活失衡,甚至有可能会毁他一生。

    A sudden windfall may unbalance a weaker , less intelligent person and even ruin his life .

  15. 这个老头子真是糊涂虫,要不怎么会没有小孩子哄,就点火玩儿呢。这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。

    What a zany the old chap must be , to light a bonfire when there 's no youngsters to please . This toy is not suitable for young children .