
diǎn piàn
  • iodine tablet
  1. 目的:评价复方聚维酮碘片(CPI)的抗炎作用,分析其主要成分对抗炎效应的影响。

    Objective : To study the antiinflammatory effects of compound polyvidone iodine tablet ( CPI ) and the influence of its active components , polyvidone iodine ( PI ) and diclofenac sodium ( DS ), on the antiinflammatory effects .

  2. 复方聚维酮碘片及其主要成分的抗炎作用研究

    The antiinflammatory effects of compound polyvidone iodine tablet and its active components in animal models

  3. 目的观察复方聚维酮碘片(CPI)口腔给药对大鼠的长期毒性。

    Objective : To observe the chronic toxicity in the intraoral of administration of compound povidone iodine ( CPI ) on rats .

  4. 灾难中个人饮水消毒片维善碘片(VZI)的研究

    Study on sterilized tablets ( VZ-I ) for drinking water of individual in disaster

  5. 复方聚维酮碘片长期给药对大鼠甲状腺功能的影响

    Effects of compound povidone iodine on the thyroid function in rats

  6. 温度和包装对聚维酮碘片剂稳定性的影响

    Effects of temperature and package on stability of povidone iodine

  7. 碘片对防辐射有用么?

    Are the iodine plates useful to protect against radiation ?

  8. 新西兰兔长期应用复方聚维酮碘片的安全性

    Safety of chronically oral administration of compound povidone iodine in New Zealand rabbits

  9. 复方聚维酮碘片对家兔口腔给药的长期毒性研究

    Chronic toxicity of compound povidone iodine on rabbits

  10. 钾片碘片都并非核辐射解毒剂。

    Potassium iodide pills are not radiation antidotes .

  11. 复方聚维酮碘片的急性毒性和局部毒性评价

    Evaluation on the acute and local toxicity of compound povidone iodine tablet in rats and rabbits

  12. 结论复方聚维酮碘片口腔给药对家兔和大鼠无明显毒性反应。

    Conclusion : The toxic reaction of compound povidone iodine when intraorally used was not significant in rats and rabbits .

  13. 最近传闻碘盐、碘片能预防幅射的说法其实大错特错。

    Recently , there is a rumor about taking iodine tablet and iodized salt can help to protect us from radiation .

  14. 因此疯购碘片并认为其能减少辐射伤害的想法是错误的。

    So the run on potassium iodide pills , which can block the absorption of radioactive iodine , made little sense .

  15. 加州卫生部告知居民,不要因为恐惧胡乱食用碘片,否者易患肠道疾病和严重皮疹。

    Californian health authorities warned residents not to compound their anxiety by eating the pills , which can cause intestinal distress and severe rashes .

  16. 仍祈中央和两省委送几个西医和一些碘片来。

    We still hope the Central Committee and the two Provincial Committees will send us a few doctors with Western training , and some iodine .

  17. 要确认你带有水过滤器,水质净化碘片,或是带有足够燃料的炉具以便在你饮用前先煮开。

    Make sure you carry a water filter , iodine purification tablets or a stove with enough fuel to boil your water before you drink it .

  18. 如果你准备出行较长时间或者你打算在出行途中找到你要饮用的水,请带上过滤系统或是水质净化用碘片。

    If you 're going for an extended period of time or if you 're planning to drink water you find along the way , bring along a filtering system or iodine water purification tablets .

  19. 上周,日本地震的后续灾变震动了美国西海岸地区,加州消费者疯狂购买并非急需的碘片。西雅图的官员为地震受损的高速公路争吵,其中大部分需要拆除。

    AFTERSHOCKS from Japan rattled America 's west coast last week , as consumers in California rushed to buy iodine tablets they do not need and politicians in Seattle bickered about a quake-damaged highway many want to demolish .