
  • 网络iodine content
  1. 单个Ag(Br,Ⅰ)微晶颗粒内碘含量及其分布的实验观察

    The experimental observation of iodine content and distribution in single ag ( br , I ) crystallite

  2. 方法用PPS法,在我区的监测点共抽取512份居民食用加碘盐进行碘含量测定。

    Method 512 iodized salt from household in our distract were selected by using pps method , and iodine content of the samples was detected .

  3. 丁基罗丹明B氧化褪色光度法测定食盐中的碘含量

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodine in Table Salt by Oxidation-Decoloration of Butyl Rhodamine B

  4. 放射性同位素源X射线荧光法测量碘盐中碘含量

    Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt by Radioisotope Source X_ray Fluorescence

  5. 方法用PPS法抽取451户居民食用盐,定量分析碘含量。

    Methods Iodine salt from 451 households were selected by PPS method .

  6. 结果:甲状腺肿大率、尿碘与盐碘含量均达到了国家IDD消除标准。

    Results : Incidence of goiter , iodine contents of urine and salt within the national standard for IDD elimination .

  7. 该液在54℃放置14d,有效碘含量下降率为5.88%。

    The available iodine content of its solution decreased by 5.88 % after storing at 54 ℃ for 14 days .

  8. 用氮化硼(BN)和镉+氮化硼(Cd+BN)作屏蔽材料的超热中子活化法对我国20种生物标准参考物质中的碘含量进行了分析。

    The epithermal neutron activation analysis ( ENAA ) using BN and BN + Cd as thermal neutron shielding materials was used to determine the contents of iodine in 20 Chinese biological standard reference materials ( SRMs ) .

  9. 实验时间为150天。观察甲状腺组织形态学、甲状腺组织碘含量、甲状腺过氧化酶(TPO)活性及血清TSH和甲状腺激素浓度的改变。

    After 150 days , the mice were killed and studied for morphology of thyroid tissue , thyroid iodine contents , thyroid peroxidase ( TPO ) activity and serum thyroid hormone and TSH concentrations .

  10. 最佳处方为:氯已定碘含量为0.5%,CremophorRH40为10%,95%乙醇为1%。

    The best prescription : 0.5 % content of Chlorhexidine-iodine complex , Cremophor RH40to10 % , 95 % ethanol for1 % .

  11. 本文用Henry氏改良催化法测定了正常人和地方性甲状腺肿患者的毛发碘含量,其中城市正常人105例,地方性甲状腺肿患区健康人32例,地方性甲状腺肿患区患者25例。

    In the paper , the Henry 's improved catalytic method was used in determing the iodine content of the hair both in healthy persons and in patients with endemic goiter ( 105 healthy persons in the city , 32 healthy persons and 25 patients in the epidemic area ) .

  12. 根据加钙营养盐在磷酸介质中,加入EDTA使Ca~(2+)掩蔽,解决了加钙营养盐碘含量测定过程中结果偏低的问题,其精密度试验和回收率实验均令人满意。

    The EDTA was added to Calcification Micronutrient Salt for covering Ca2 + under the H3PO4 medium , it was solved that the iodine contents are low as determining the iodine contents in Calcification Micronutrient salt . The experimental results of recovery and accuracy are satisfactory using this method .

  13. 沈阳市食盐碘含量水平监测结果分析

    Analysis on results of iodine concentration in table salt in Shenyang

  14. 温和酸消化法测定血清总碘含量

    Detection of total iodine in serum by acid digesting under mild conditions

  15. 结果不同储水状态碘含量不同;

    Results Iodine content varied in the different state of stored water .

  16. 上海地区85种常用食物中的碘含量

    Iodine Contents of Eighty-five Kinds of Food in Shanghai District

  17. 高聚物萃取光度法测定海带中碘含量的研究

    Determination of Iodine from the Kelp with Water-soluble Polymer Extraction by Spectrophotometry

  18. 碘含量对立方体卤化银乳剂感光和离子性能的影响

    The effects of iodide content on photographic and ionic properties of silver

  19. 基于分光光度法的模拟炒菜时食盐中碘含量测定

    Iodine Content Determination of Table Salt in Cooking Simulation Based on Spectrophotometry

  20. 目的测定血清中总碘含量。

    Objective To detect the total iodine in human serum .

  21. 食物烹调方法对含碘食盐中碘含量的影响

    Effects of Cooking Methods on Iodine Content in Iodized Salt

  22. 越靠近横向边缘的位置,碘含量越低。

    The nearer to the edge , the lower the iodide content .

  23. 结果盐碘含量、尿碘水平和甲状腺肿大率呈负相关,食盐的含碘量和尿碘值呈正相关。

    Iodine in salt was positively correlated to urinary iodine .

  24. 讨论了用Fe2+-邻二氮菲体系分光光度法间接测定海带中微量碘含量的方法。

    A spectrophotometry method for determining trace iodine in kelp was developed .

  25. 应用线性回归方程处理水碘含量的探讨

    An Approach to Iodine Content in Water Treated with Linear Regression Equation

  26. 浅谈加碘盐碘含量测定方法中仲裁法的确定

    Brief Discussion on Determination of Arbitration in Iodine-Content Testing Method for Iodized Salt

  27. 食盐中碘含量的分析测定

    Analysis and Determination of Iodine Content in Edible Salt

  28. 水碘含量影响因素的实验分析

    Experimental analysis on effective factors of water iodine amount

  29. 食用盐中碘含量检测标准物质的研制

    Development of the reference materials for determining content of iodine in edible salt

  30. 微量元素-碘含量与饮水井深度关系的探讨

    Studies on the relationship between trace element-iodine and depth of drinking water well