
  1. 沈周(1427-1509)湖南长沙人。

    Shen Zhou ( 1427-1509 ) was a native of Changsha .

  2. 试论沈周书法风格之嬗变及其他

    On the Evolution of Shen Zhou 's Calligraphy Style

  3. 再往下我们分析沈周画面中的另一个因素&诗画结合。

    Further down the screen in our analysis another factor Shen Zhou-Poetry and combination .

  4. 只是山水画的盛名大过了其花鸟画,且多为论者所道。但是这并不代表沈周在其花鸟画上的成就低于了山水画的成就。

    His landscape painting is more famous than his flower-and-bird painting , but this does not indicate that his achievement on flower-and-bird painting lower than that on landscape painting .

  5. 质是,唯有吾人对沈周一生的艺术成就有正确的认知,才能真正理解沈周之所以能开创吴门画派的关键。

    Therefore , it is only when we obtain the right comprehension that we can truly realize the key point why Shen Chou was the founder of Wu School .

  6. 在山水画发展的历史长河中,吴门画派在其中尤其重要的位置,沈周作为吴门画派的开创者自然引人关注。

    In the long history of landscape painting , the Wu School in which the position is particularly important , Shen Zhou Wu School as a pioneer of natural concern .

  7. 同时,我也籍由题材上的分类研究,论证了沈周对这些题材内涵上、图式上、及风格上的实际创新。

    Furthermore , with the classification and research of the theme , I demonstrate how Shen Chou reached the point where the inner subject , the icon and the style were really innovated .

  8. 明朝中后时期苏州地区盛行建造私家园林,与此同时,以沈周文征明为代表的吴门画派也兴起于此地,且吴门绘画中很有一些以园林为题材的作品。

    Suzhou during the Ming dynasty in the region after the rampant construction of private gardens at the same time , to Shenzhou as represented by Wu Wen Zhengming School also rise here , and Wu is in some paintings to the theme of landscape works .