
  • 网络waning;Wane
月亏 [yuè kuī]
  • [wane] 在物相或明暗度方面减小,缩小--指月亮和其他卫星以及内行星

  1. 在这时代最后一次月亏之日。

    Of day 's last waning breath .

  2. 他们还知道,月亏期间,月亮每晚的升起时间都会推迟,直到消失在日出里。

    They knew that the waning moon rose later each night , until it vanished in the sunrise .

  3. 月有暗淡和明亮,有月盈和月亏。

    The moon dims or shines ; it waxes or wanes .

  4. 这在以前只有月亮才有月亏月圆。

    Now we used to the moon having phases .

  5. 月亏的时候,心在流浪。

    As the moon wanes the heart wanders .

  6. 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动(月亮的)满月之后是月亏。

    Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit . ( of the moon ) after full moon comes the waning moon .

  7. 而他用许多白色的瓷碗摆成似是“月盈月亏”般的大型作品,又分明交待了周而复始的生命偶然与必然的背景。

    The great work with arranged white porcelain bowls symbolizing the waning and waxing of the moon illustrate the coincidences and necessities of the circle of life .

  8. 过去的经验里,天上是有过月亏和日蚀的,但同时有四个太阳却没有遇过,以为是眼睛看错了;

    In the past the eclipses of the sun and the moon had been witnessed but never those four suns in the sky , the identification of which was thought to be a mistake of their vision .