
  1. 第三章分析《月照不幸人》。

    The third chapter concentrates on A Moon for the Misbegotten .

  2. 你比较一下这张闺中玉照和她上个月照的驾照照片。

    If you compare the boudoir shot to her DMV photo from last month .

  3. 江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰。

    River Flows Ramification-around Austin , Zhao spent on the lam all likelihood sleet .

  4. 这张照片是上个月照的,骤雨初歇,日落之时。

    This photo was taken at last month , after the rainstorm and while the sunset .

  5. 尤金。奥尼尔剧作《月照不幸人》的男女主人公是二十世纪上半叶精神上无所皈依的现代人的典型。

    In A Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O'Neill , the hero and heroine are representatives of the lost moderns in the early twentieth century .