
  • 网络Seongsan;shiroyama;tacchu
  1. 旺苍县鼓城山森林公园景观评价

    Landscape evalution of Gucheng Mountain Forest Park in Wangcang County

  2. H.Y型通风系统在城山煤矿的应用

    Application of H. Y-type Ventilation System in Chengshan Colliery

  3. 城山岩体铀的赋存状态及配分研究

    A study of the existing forms of uranium and its distribution in Chengshan granitic body

  4. 附近还有石佛山生态园,城山古城旅游区,银石滩国家森林公园,蛤蜊岛旅游区。

    There are also the Shifoshan Ecological Garden , Chengshan Old City Scenic Zone , Yinshitan National Forest Park , and Clam Island Scenic Zone near here .

  5. 东京大学一位公共政策专家秀明城山说将来日本力图摆脱阴霾的一大征兆就是一场不可避免的争论,而焦点就是在灾难后凸显的对核能的利用问题。

    As for the future , Hideaki Shiroyama , a public-policy expert at the University of Tokyo , says a big indication of Japan 's willingness to shake off its lethargy will be the inevitable debate on nuclear energy that emerges from the disaster .

  6. 你们当将羊羔奉给那地掌权的,从西拉往旷野,送到锡安城的山。

    Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness , unto the mount of the daughter of Zion .

  7. 由于断桥背城面山,正处于外湖和北里湖的分水点上,视野开阔,是冬天观赏西湖雪景最佳处所。

    Broken Bridge back surface as a result of Hill City , is in the North outside the lake and watershed point in the lake , the broad field of vision is the best winter snow watch West premises .

  8. 不,我不在创办者RobertRedford的厨房,而是在CNN的一个工作地点,犹他州帕克城的财富山旅馆。

    And no , I 'm not in founder Robert Redford 's kitchen . I 'm actually in one of CNN 's workspaces here at the Treasure Mountain Inn in Park City , Utah .

  9. 怪物们住在玩具城附近的山上。

    The monsters live in the hills near Toy City .

  10. 城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。

    A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid .

  11. 你们是世上的光。城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。

    You are the light of the world . a city on a hill cannot be hidden .

  12. 主要旅游资源包括长江三峡、钓鱼城、缙云山风景区等。

    Major tourist attractions in the area include the Three Gorges the Yangtze River , the Diaoyu Castle and the Jinyunshan Nature Reserve .

  13. 当神在一个城中,他使那城象锡安山一般坚固,不能移动分毫。

    When God is in the midst of a kingdom or city He makes it as firm as Mount Zion , that cannot be removed .

  14. 他们还要求卢武铉不要在如何惩罚平壤的问题犹豫不决。卢武铉也面对着要求其中止对开城及金刚山投资的压力。

    They also called on Roh to quit dithering over how to punish Pyongyang . Mr Roh is coming under pressure to suspend the Kaesong and Kumgang ventures .

  15. 就起来撵他出城。他们的城造在山上,他们带他到山崖,要把他推下去。

    29They got up , drove him out of the town , and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built , in order to throw him down the cliff .

  16. 他们彻夜漫步,有说有笑地向城边那座山走去。

    Joking and chatting , they moved towards the mountain on the edge of the city .

  17. 它是一座“山中之城、城中有山”的独特城市。

    Fuzhou is a unique city that mountains encircle the city and there are some small hills in it .

  18. 位于日本日光城的男体山及中禅寺湖,其壮美景象在秋日愈发迷人。

    The spectacular sight of Mount Nantai and Lake Chuzenji in Nikko , Japan , is even more incredible in the autumn .

  19. 这仅仅是因为寻找水下之城要比寻找山上之城困难得多。

    Simply because it 's a lot harder to look for a city underwater than it is to look for a city in the mountains .

  20. 和邻市华城一样,牙山是数家大型工业企业的故乡。另外,该市距离平泽的港口很近,并因此受益。平泽港口是距离中国东部最近的港口,也是全球船运枢纽。

    Like its neighbor Hwaseong , Asan is home to several large industrial complexes.It also benefits from being near the port of Pyeongtaek , which is the closest port to east China , and a global shipping hub .