
  1. 我们赞成宾馆距西湖仅一公里,距机场仅15分钟车程,距杭州城站火车站步行仅5分钟。

    Our hotel is only1km away from the West Lake , 15 minutes'drive from the airport and5 minutes'walk from the Railway Station .

  2. 杭州欧陆风情假日酒店按四星级标准兴建,地处西湖大道,毗邻城站火车站,坐拥时尚、繁华的商业街,风光无限。

    Hangzhou European-Style Holiday Hotel is located in the West Lake Avenue , adjoining Chengzhan Railway Station , and sit at the fashionable and flourishing business street , with limitless scenery .

  3. 此车为社区到世纪城的直达车,即世纪城地铁站为终点站,其余站点不停车。

    The bus won 't stop all the way till the terminal stop Century City .