
chénɡ shì ɡònɡ tónɡ tǐ
  • urban community
  1. 由于城市共同体自身的缺陷,统一市场的变革要求被民族国家所替代。

    Because of their defects in meeting the demand of a unified market , urban communes were ultimately replaced by nation states .

  2. 然而,传媒建构的上海城市共同体,依然存在局限性和遮蔽性,其意义已经并还将伴随中国现代性的展开而不断流转。

    However , the Shanghai city community , constructed by the media , still has its limitations , the meaning of which has undergone and will continue to undergo changes .

  3. 城市共同体的兴起促进了西欧范围的市场贸易活动的广泛复兴,并对中世纪欧洲封建地方体制给予了有力冲击;

    The author holds that the rise of the urban communes promoted the widespread revival of trade in Western Europe and dealt a heavy blow to the local feudal system in Middle Age Europe .

  4. 同时,城市共同体作为社团组织的独特发展形式,形成特有的城市等级会议制度,动摇和破坏封建社会的内部关系并为新社会结构的形成奠定了基础。

    Meanwhile , urban communes , as a unique form of association , had developed into a hierarchical municipal council system , which destroyed the internal relations of feudal society and laid the foundation for the development of a new social structure .

  5. 城市社区:共同体还是互不相关的邻里

    Is Urban Community " Gemeinschaft " Or Neighborhood

  6. 社区:城市社会生活的共同体

    Community : Communing Social Life in the City

  7. 社区是城市居民的生活共同体,是城市社会的基本组成单元。

    Community is the place where city residents live together , and at the same time , is the basic component of urban society .

  8. 为明确城市社区能否是共同体,本文通过对共同体理论的梳理指出,共同体是一种因持续互动所形成的肯定性的关系类型。

    In order to make clear whether urban community is community , this paper points out community is one of the positive stable relations that results from continuous interactions .

  9. 然而,在区域城市群这一特殊城市共同体中,一方面,突发公共事件容易突破地域界限,相互传导,形成区域危机,另一方面,区域应急管理碎片化现象导致单个城市政府应急能力有限。

    However , on the one hand , public emergencies easily break through the geographical boundaries and come into regional crisis . On the other hand , fragmentation of regional emergency management has led to limited emergency response capability .