
  1. 一团黑烟吹过城市的上空。

    A cloud of black smoke blew over the city

  2. 它飞越这座城市的上空寻找穷苦的人家。

    It flies over the city and looks for poor people .

  3. 房子的屋顶重叠在这个拥挤的城市的上空。

    The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city .

  4. 然后它就飞越这座城市的上空往那户人家去了。

    It flies over the city to the house .

  5. 烟幕经常笼罩在大城市的上空,刺激着人的眼睛和胸腔。

    A curtain of smog often hangs over big cities . It irritates the eyes and chest .

  6. 当雾霾降临到北京等亚洲城市的上空时,人们争相购买口罩。

    When smog descends on Beijing or other Asian cities , people rush to buy face masks .

  7. 远处树林的尽头城市的上空清晰可见。

    And at the back , behind the fringe of trees , was a fine view of the city

  8. 我们飞机正飞过城市的上空,在我们的下方可以看到火车站。

    Now we are flying over the city , and we can see the railway station directly under us .

  9. 在我城市的上空有很多战斗机,我从来没听到过这么多战斗机制造出来的声音。

    A sound I have never heard before is the sound of the many fighter jets that are in the sky in my city .

  10. 难道在每个城市的上空含有超高分辨率,和超广角镜头的飞机正在进行拍摄,并且未被注意到吗?

    Are there airplanes flying over every city with super high resolution and super wide angle lenses that can do this right now , unnoticed ?

  11. 今天,当世界从睡梦中醒来,赫然发现巨大的外星飞船出现在每一个大城市的上空。

    Today , when the world wakes up from sleep , surprised to discover a huge alien spaceship appears in every major city in the sky .

  12. 丝绸气球,1793年1月9日,在上午十点钟,吊装到上面这个城市的上空,这是,在当时,该国首都。

    On January 9 , 1793 , at ten o'clock in themorning , a silk balloon lifted into the skies above this city , which was , atthe time , the capital of the country .

  13. 汤姆·米勒是一位研究中国城市化的专家,他曾说:你从中国任何一所城市的上空跳伞然后环顾四周,你会发现城市建筑就像制服般整齐划一。

    Tom Miller , an expert on China 's urbanisation , said : If you were parachuted in blind to almost any Chinese city , and you were looking around , you would have the same uniform buildings .

  14. 汤姆·米勒是一位研究中国城市化的专家,他曾说:“你从中国任何一所城市的上空跳伞然后环顾四周,你会发现城市建筑就像制服般整齐划一。”

    Tom Miller , an expert on China 's urbanisation , said : " If you were parachuted in blind to almost any Chinese city , and you were looking around , you would have the same uniform buildings .