
  • 网络I Love You China;I love you, China;China My Love;Niu China Remix
  1. 百灵鸟从蓝天上飞过,我爱你,中国!

    A lark is flying across the blue sky , I love you , China !

  2. 我爱你,中国,我很自豪的是一个中国人。

    I love you , China , and I 'm so proud of being a Chinese .

  3. 我爱你,中国。你是伟大的母亲。你屹立在世界的东方。

    I love you , China , you are a great mother standing in the east of the world .

  4. 从美声唱法的角度谈《我爱你.中国》的演唱技巧

    A Talk about the Singing Skills off the Music I Love You , China from the Angle of Graceful Singing

  5. 我爱你,中国,因为我可以感觉到深深的爱你给我每一天,每一刻。

    I love you , China , for Ican feel the deep love you give me every day , every minute .

  6. 我爱你,中国早上好,女士们,先生们,我非常高兴在这里发表演讲。

    I love you , China Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very glad to make a speech here .

  7. 在发表告别辞之前,马云高唱了一曲《我爱你,中国》,现场观众沸腾了起来。

    Before his valedictory speech , Mr. Ma belted out the Chinese pop song ' I Love You , China , ' from the stage . The crowd roared .

  8. 在用美声唱法演唱《我爱你,中国》时应掌握演唱该曲引子、主体、结尾的不同演唱技巧。

    When singing the song 《 I Love You , China . 》 in a graceful voice , we should master the different singing skills on the part of the prologue , the main body and the epilogue of the song .

  9. 《环球时报》报道,有两个记录孩子告诉父母我爱你的视频在中国火了起来。

    The Global Times reports that two online videos showing children telling their parents I love you have gone viral in China .