
  • 网络the king of the jungle;LORD OF THE JUNGLE;Jungle King
  1. 狮子是丛林之王。

    The lion is the king of the jungle .

  2. 人们都说狮子是丛林之王。

    They say the lion is the king of the jungle .

  3. 狮子被称为丛林之王。

    The lion is called the king of the jungle .

  4. 你是丛林之王,而不是空中之王!

    You 're king of the jungle , not of the air !

  5. 狮为丛林之王。

    The lion is the monarch of the jungle .

  6. 狮子和大象乃丛林之王。

    Lions and elephants are lords of the jungle .

  7. 它是丛林之王。

    It is the king of the jungle .

  8. 他曾是不可一世的丛林之王,现在却沦为阶下之囚。

    He was a king in the world he knew , but he comes to you now a captive .

  9. 即使所有的其他方法都失败也可以让它惹祸上身&这证明你就是丛林之王。

    If all else fails set him on fire-proving once and for all you 're king of the jungle .

  10. 于是,她慢慢龇出两颗大毒牙,先展示一下丛林之王的威力。

    So , she slowly and showed a two big fangs , first show how the power of the king of the jungle .

  11. 他是首位把“丛林之王”狮子作为皇室标志的英格兰国王。

    He were the first English King to use a lion as a royal symbol , which is popularly knowingn as the " king of the jungle " .

  12. 而只有我们人类老虎最致命的敌人,才能够保证这些大型猫科动物中最伟大的动物最后的丛林之王的生存。

    It is up to us , the tiger 's deadliest enemy , to ensure the survival of the greatest of the great cats , the last lord of the jungle .

  13. 有皇家的含义(丛林之王),需要一群能欣赏其表演的群众,以及展现自己,得到认可的需求。

    There are royal connotations ( the king of the jungle ), a need to perform in front of an appreciative crowd , and a need to show off , to be recognized .

  14. 这个丛林之王不会以咆哮来表示它的不满,而是皱起鼻子发出可怕的吼叫声,这种眼神足够吓跑平原上的任何生物。

    The king of the jungle didn 't roar his displeasure but wrinkled his nose in a fearsome snarl , the sort of look that would strike fear into any other creature on the plain .