
  1. 但是经过数千年的传习,一直到了唐代,才只有在佛教禅宗的丛林制度里实现了一个天下为公的社会。

    However , there was not such a society until in the Tang Dynasty when the monastery institution of Zen was established .

  2. 主要是僧制改革和各地佛教的重建对民国时期佛教复兴起着重要的影响;人生佛教对当代佛教发展的影响以及其寺庙制度对当代寺庙丛林制度的影响有着重要意义。

    Mainly around is the Buddhist monk system reform and reconstruction in the Republic of China period revival of Buddhism plays an important role in the life of contemporary Buddhism ; Buddhist development and influence on contemporary Temple system jungle system influence has important significance .