
cónɡ shān
  • a succession of mountains
  • unbroken mountains
丛山 [cóng shān]
  • [unbroken mountains] 连绵的山岭

  • 丛山峻岭

  1. 我们的车子从思茅往南开,经过丛山,开往景洪。

    From Simao we drove southward through the mountains towards jinghong .

  2. 西南喀斯特峰丛山区雨水资源有效利用

    The availability of rainwater resources at karst mountains in Southwest China

  3. 岩溶峰丛山地脆弱生态系统重建技术研究

    Study of Fragile Ecosystem Reconstruction Technology in the Karst Peak-cluster Mountain

  4. 典型岩溶峰丛山区土地利用与水土流失

    Land Use and Soil and Water Loss in Typical Karst Mountain Area

  5. 西南峰丛山区分散供水模式及存在的问题

    Dispersal water supply pattern and its problem in karst peak-cluster area in Southwest China

  6. 岩溶峰丛山区地下河系发育特征及综合开发利用典型研究

    Study on Development of Subterranean River System in Karstic Mountainous Terrain and Its Exploitation

  7. 喀斯特峰丛山区饮用水开发及其水质保护

    The Study of Exploitation and Protection of Drinking Water for People and Live-stock in Karst Areas

  8. 其研究和分析方法对具有复杂水动力场的同类型岩溶峰丛山区进行工程建设具有一定意义。

    The analysis method is more significance for the same karst peek-cluster depression that has complex hydraulic field .

  9. 布丽奇特点明了所有的困难,对冬天越过丛山的主意泼了一瓢冷水。

    Bridget poured cold water on the idea of crossing the mountains in winter , pointing out all the difficulties .

  10. 喀斯特峰丛山地立体生态农业模式实施效果研究-以广西壮族自治区平果县果化示范区为例。

    Effect of tri-dimensional eco-agriculture pattern in karst peak-cluster zones – a case study of Guohua Demonstration Area in Pingguo County , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  11. 好莱坞大道和高地大道交界处上方的青山郁郁葱葱,在丛山掩映中间,狭窄、蜿蜒的街道上坐落着无数豪宅。

    The hills above the junction of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue are lush and green , with large houses nestled together on narrow , winding streets .

  12. 有时流到很逼狭的境界,两从丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。

    Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs , winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turns .

  13. 桂西岩溶峰丛山区生态系统功能脆弱、抗干扰能力低,面临严重的生态危机,急需修复和重建。

    In Western Guangxi , the ecosystem function of karst peak cluster areas is fragile and anti-turbulence ability is absent , raising the risk of the frequent nature disaster .

  14. 他们在尘土飞扬的大道上拐过那个看不见塔拉农场的弯以后,布伦特勒住马,在一丛山茱萸下站住了。

    When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara , Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood .

  15. 十一年在潼关战败,仅率刘宗敏等十余人,隐伏商雒丛山中(在豫陕边区)。

    Eleven years in the Tongguan defeat , only the rate of Liu Zongmin more than ten people , hidden by Luo massif ( in Henan and Shaanxi border area ) .

  16. 以广西弄拉峰丛山区为例探讨岩溶区偏碱性条件下土壤有机质与有效态养分含量之间的相关关系。

    Taking a typical karst mountain area , Nongla in Guangxi as an example , the correlation between soil organic matter and the content of available nutrients in selected soils was discussed in this paper .

  17. 新生代以来是一个长期上升、强烈溶蚀的喀斯特峰林、峰丛低山山地。

    Since cenozoic era , the low mountains of hoodoos and peak clusters have been formed with continuous uplift and strong dissolve .