
  • 网络Coyote;canis latrans
  1. 远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。

    Far up the west rim of the canyon , a coyote yipped twice .

  2. 丛林狼的聪明是其中一个原因,他们具有极强的适应性和快速繁殖的能力。

    Part of the answer is that the coyote is clever , extremely adaptable and reproduces quickly .

  3. 但是MaxMcGraw野生动物基金会的研究科学家HeidiGarbe却能分辨出这是一种特别的狗的足迹&郊狼,即丛林狼。

    But Heidi Garbe , a research scientist with the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation , can tell that they were made by a special kind of dog : Canis latrans , the coyote .

  4. 根据Garbe先生,大部分人甚至不知道他们周围有丛林狼,只有当它们中的个别成为问题,比如他们爱上吃剩饭或者宠物猫的时候,与人的矛盾才会激化。

    Most people do not actually know they have coyotes living in their neighbourhood , says Ms Garbe , and conflicts only arise when an individual becomes a problem - perhaps having developed a taste for kitchen scraps or possibly Tiddles the cat .

  5. 丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代。

    Offspring of a coyote and a dog .

  6. 1960年到2006年期间,北美只报告了159例丛林狼咬人的案件。

    Between 1960 and 2006 there were only 159 reported cases of bites across North America .

  7. 丛林狼几乎从不攻击人类。

    Coyotes rarely attack humans .

  8. 在美国农村地区,丛林狼仍是非常地不受欢迎,往往被人们追捕或设陷阱捉住。

    In rural America the coyote remains strongly disliked partly because it attacks livestock and is often hunted or trapped .

  9. 这些发现表明丛林狼在城市里蓬勃发展,而不是处在生存的边缘。

    Such discoveries suggest that the coyote is probably thriving in American cities rather than clinging on at its edges .

  10. 在芝加哥,库克丛林狼项目试图研究这个物种是如何侵占到大都市里来的。

    In Chicago , the Cook County Coyote Project has been trying to understand how the species is conquering the metropolis .

  11. 好吗准备好了吗你们可以站起来对站起来大象大象丛林狼狼丛林狼狗猫头鹰鹦鹉鹦鹉

    Okay ? Ready ? You could stand up.Yeah , stand up.Elephant . Elephant.Coyote . Wolf.Coyote . Dog.Owl . A parrot .

  12. 但是2009年一个年轻女子在新斯科舍爬山的时候被一只丛林狼杀害,科学家至今没有找到合理的解释。

    Nonetheless , in 2009 a young woman was killed by coyotes while hiking in Nova Scotia ; scientists do not understand why .

  13. 去年在德克萨斯州政府所在地奥斯汀西部的山上,他射杀一只正在奔跑的丛林狼,这是他登上了头条。

    Last year he made headlines when he shot a coyote while running in the hills west of Austin , Texas 's state capital .

  14. 这也是裂冰的季节,同行的农场主们都在监视着丛林狼、美洲狮、豺狗,当然还有单独出来的狼。

    This was calving season , and fellow ranchers watched for coyotes , cougars , wild dogs and , of course , the lone wolf .

  15. 丛林狼、鹿、火鸡等其它一些森林中生活的动物,由于北美东海岸的森林再生,个体数量也在增加。

    coyote , deer , turkey and other forest animals , for example , as the forest regrows along the east coast of North America .

  16. 有一种猜测是美国东部有丛林狼和狼的杂交物种,它们经常集体捕猎,能够搞定大型的猎物。

    One suggestion is that the animals found in eastern America are a coyote-wolf hybrid that hunt more frequently in packs and can take down larger prey .

  17. 他家西迁时,走到得克萨斯的佩科斯河附近,他从马车上掉下来,成了没爹没娘的孩子,由丛林狼喂养大。

    During a trip west , Bill fell out of the family wagon near the Pecos River in Texas . He became lost and was raised by coyotes .

  18. 芝加哥市内和郊外发现了大约2000头丛林狼,它们似乎也在美国其他建筑物多的城市里迅速繁衍。

    Around 2,000 coyotes are reckoned to live in Chicago and its suburbs , and it seems likely that the animal is thriving in many other built-up parts of the country .

  19. 曾经被称为平原幽灵的丛林狼已经逐渐变成了城市幽灵,但只要他们保持低调,未来的生活还是很有安全的。

    Once known as the ghosts of the plains coyotes are increasingly known as the ghosts of the cities . But as long as they stick to the shadows their future looks secure .

  20. 曾经被称为“平原幽灵”的丛林狼已经逐渐变成了“城市幽灵”,但只要他们保持低调,未来的生活还是很有安全的。

    Once known as the " ghosts of the plains " coyotes are increasingly known as the " ghosts of the cities . " But as long as they stick to the shadows their future looks secure .

  21. 我带了个男人回家,但五分钟之内他们全都在挑他毛病,他们就像&丛林狼在把兽群中的弱小者赶走。

    Monica : I mean , I bring a guy home , and within five minutes they 're all over him . I mean , they 're like-coyotes , picking off the weak members of the herd .

  22. 丛林狼在美国城市之所以能成功生存下来是因为它们擅长隐藏自己,我们能在丛林狼的交配季节在新闻报道中读到它们的信息已经是不寻常了。

    In America 's cities the key to the coyote 's success is its virtual invisibility , and sightings of the animal during the recent mating season were unusual enough to have been the subject of news reports .

  23. 这不是偶然。观察过丛林狼的人会知道,它们在城市的时候会倾向于夜行,这点无疑帮助了它们悄悄地占领美国的大都市。

    Those who watch the beasts say that the coyote is more nocturnal when it lives in cities than when it is in the wild , which has undoubtedly helped its quiet conquest of parts of metropolitan America .