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  • 网络Conghui system
  1. 比如当水獭消失,海胆数量会上升,海藻丛会被大量消耗殆尽。

    When otters disappear , for example , urchins take over , decimating kelp forests .

  2. 这丛活动灌木会单纯地冲锋,通常会抓着敌人前往卫兵处。

    The animated bush then simply charges , often catching the foe off guard .

  3. 丛状纤维瘤会变成癌症吗?会,但机会很小。

    Do plexiform neurofibromas ever become cancerous ? They can become cancerous , but this is rare .

  4. 在遇到突发性降雨时,中间锦鸡儿整株丛树干液流量会随着降水的增加而迅速升高,但时间上要滞后于降水量达到最大值的时间。

    Under sudden precipitation , a rapid increase of the whole-plant sap flux was observed , but the increase lagged behind the peak time of the precipitation .

  5. 陈坤《如不及斋丛书》与晚清潮州社会丛状纤维瘤会变成癌症吗?会,但机会很小。

    Social Change in Chaozhou in the Late Qing Dynasty Recorded in CHEN Kun 's Ru Bu Ji Zhai Cong Shu Do plexiform neurofibromas ever become cancerous ? They can become cancerous , but this is rare .