
  • 网络historical individual
  1. 推荐系统是利用用户的一些历史个性偏好信息实现个性化服务的系统,它已经成为电子商务领域中的重要技术之一。

    Recommendation system use customers ' historical individual information to realize personal service and it has become an important technology in E-commerce .

  2. 资讯科技是根据斡旋了它的不测事,而且组成了它的历史个性的变化被了解。

    It is to be understood in terms of changes which mediated its eventuality and composed its historical character .

  3. 重点是结合相应晚清名臣历史个性,打造文化品牌,开发具有地方文化特色的旅游产品,做到隐性旅游资源显性化表述。

    It 's importance is building up cultural brand , designing tourism product of local cultural characteristics , and indicating recessive tourism resources .

  4. 历史教科书的个性与特色。

    Individuality and characteristics of historical textbook .

  5. 它的形成与李贽生活的特定历史语境及其个性有关。

    Its formation is related to the specific historical context of Li Zhi 's life and his personality .

  6. 城市在积年累月的发展中沉淀下许多遗迹,它们共同构成了历史地段极具个性的景观。

    There will be many relics which came form the development of the city during year after year , they constitute the absolutely personality landscape in the historic section .

  7. 延边区域文化具有悠久的历史和鲜明的个性。

    Yanbian regional culture has a long history and its own characteristics .

  8. 在历史学科中进行个性教育的探讨

    A Probe into Carrying Out Individual Education of History Subject

  9. 因此,如何保护城市的历史风貌和城市个性成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    So how to protect the historical scene and characteristics of a city has become an emergent problem .

  10. 历史文化名城的个性定位与可持续发展一个新的水稻花粉半不育性位点的定位分析

    On classification of cultural cities ' individualities and their sustainable development ; Mapping of a Novel Semi-Sterile Pollen QTL in Rice

  11. 真正深入地理解、阐释心理学研究方法的本质,心理学方法需要向价值、历史、文化及个性寻求理解。

    In order to understand and explain the nature of the researching ways to psychology , we should pay more attention to the values , history and cultures .

  12. 第二章分析了历史教育中的个性教育的内涵与价值,历史教育学科个性教育的基本特征,论证了在历史学科中开展个性教育的独特优势。

    In part two , the author analyzes the values and characteristics of personality education in history teaching , indicating that it has its own advantages to carry out personality education in history discipline .

  13. 讨论了马克思关于自由的理论,关于社会演化的自然历史观点和自由个性理论及其预设的生态自由概念所提供的更深入的超越自由主义制度稳定性观点的自由理论。

    We hold that Marx 's concept of natural , history and liberal personality , the problem of ecological liberty such as animal liberation are beyond the domain of institutional stability liberals were limited .

  14. 司马迁则在异中求同的基础上,进一步在同中求异,因而列传中历史人物一方面能够同真实的历史联系起来,以展现历史的个性,突出地体现了传记的史学比较特色;

    So SIMA 's historical characters in Shiji ( Historian 's Records ) could , on the one hand , associate the real history so as to reveal the historical characteristics , which saliently displays the historical features of comparison in biography making ;

  15. 因此他片面强调历史的共性,即罗马统一的必然趋势而相应地忽视了其他国家历史活动的个性。

    He therefore puts undue emphasis on the general character of history , i.e.the inevitability of the Roman unification , and neglects the individuality of the historical activities of other states .

  16. 历史教育学是综合历史学、教育学及心理学等学科特点的交叉性学科,它既反映了历史学科个性深入的特点,又反映了教育学、心理学等学科的一般性特征。

    History in education is a kind of intersection discipline . It includes the characters of history , pedagogy and psychology .