
  • 网络historical demography;historieal demography
  1. 其学术性在于对新中国建国60年来湖南人口的变化作一个系统完整的研究,是此前无人所做的工作,可以为历史人口学增加实证材料。

    The academic is the founding of New China in 60 years , demographic changes in Hunan for a complete study system is no previous work can be increased for the historical demography of real materials .

  2. 本文从历史人口学的角度对1840&1949年间中国国际迁移的形成原因、演变过程、移民规模和流向分布等问题进行了探讨,提供了近代中国大规模海外移民的历史场景。

    With a perspective of historical demography , this article has examined the causes , evolution , volume , and stream distribution of the international migration occurred in 1840-1949 in China , presenting a historical scene of the large scale Chinese overseas migration in modern times .

  3. 作为二十世纪中叶以来西方史坛兴起的一门史学分支&历史人口学,也可被视为社会史研究的一个部分。

    As a school appeared after the middle 20th century , the historical study of population can also be concluded into the historical study of human society .

  4. 研究者发现以前发现的许多遗传学选择特征也许更多的来源于历史和人口学因素而非自然选择。

    The researchers found that many previously identified genetic signals of selection may have been created by historical and demographic factors rather than by selection .

  5. 对于非异性恋的研究从最初的社会学、心理学、医学,逐渐延伸到法律、历史、哲学、人口学、教育学、传播学等领域。

    For non-heterosexual the initial sociology , psychology , medicine , and gradually extended to the field of law , history , philosophy , demography , education . communication studies .