
  • 网络History learning;history study
  1. 正确引导,鼓励网络条件下的历史学习;

    Encourage history study on internet with the right guidance ;

  2. 针对这些情况的存在,历史学习策略教学势在必行。

    So the teaching of history study strategy is imperative under the situation .

  3. 她在历史学习方面下了很多功夫。

    She grinds away at history studies .

  4. “那样的话,他们可以在课下因历史学习而进行社交,如果没有课上考试的压力,这绝不可能发生,”他解释说。

    " That way they socialize over history outside the class , which wouldn 't happen without the pressure of an in-class exam , " he explained .

  5. 协商Agent的历史学习算法研究

    Agent 's Learning Algorithm Research on the Negotiation History

  6. 协商Agent历史学习算法通过处理对手Agent的协商历史信息,对协商对手的私有保留信息进行预测。

    The algorithm aims at predicting the private information of agent 's opponent . The predicted outcome is used to update the agent 's belief before negotiating .

  7. 本文针对协商前Agent信念的更新问题,构造了一种协商Agent历史学习算法。

    A learning algorithm on the agent negotiation history is put forward in this thesis , which lay emphasis on the update issues of the agents ' believes before negotiation .

  8. 在此基础上,该文针对现有协商模型中存在的问题,提出了一个Agent协商历史学习算法,并实验说明了其可行性。

    Then it is pre-filtered on the characteristic of data structures . On the basis of the above , it proposes a learning algorithm on the agent negotiation history after analyzing the problems of the present negotiation models .

  9. 不向历史学习的人注定要重蹈覆辙。

    He who does not learn from history dooms to repeat it .

  10. 高中历史学习中的认知冲突研究

    Research on " Cognitive Conflict " in Senior High School History Learning

  11. 新课程对历史学习方式的要求。

    The requirements of new curriculum on history learning style .

  12. 历史学习策略的建构

    Study the Building and Constructing of the Tactics in History

  13. 新课程中学生历史学习方式问题研究

    Research on Students ' History Learning Style in New Curriculum

  14. 在历史学习中培养学生探究创新能力;

    To cultivate students ' research and creative ability in history learning ;

  15. 浅谈初中学生历史学习方法的培养

    An Elementary Exploration in Training Junior Middle School Students with History Learning Ways

  16. 论历史学习指导及其方法

    A Guide to Instruction and method of History studying

  17. 中学历史学习评价主体多元化的探讨

    The Discussion on Diversification of the Valuators of History Study in High School

  18. 着重突出了历史学习能力的培养。

    It over-emphasizes the culture of students ' ability .

  19. 研究性学习与高中生历史学习能力的培养

    Probing Study and the Ability of History Study

  20. 试论历史学习方式及其变革

    The Style of Learning History and Its Change

  21. 探究教学对中师生历史学习影响研究

    The Study of the Influences of the Inquiry Teaching on History Learning in Normal Schools

  22. 在传统的中学历史学习评价中,评价一般由历史教师进行。

    The traditional evaluation of history study in high school is generally proceeded by teacher .

  23. 历史学习策略的建构与应用研究

    The Construction Application of Study History Strategy

  24. 师范生历史学习动机及其阻抗因素研究

    A Research on the Motivation and Retarding Factors in Students ' History Learning in Normal Schools

  25. 传统不仅是向过去的历史学习,还要有向前看的勇气。

    Tradition needs not only to learn from the past , but also to look forward .

  26. 上海市浦东新区第四教育署学生历史学习现状调查研究

    Current Situation Research for Students History Studying in the 4th Education Department of PuDong New Area

  27. 加强师生交流,营造和谐的历史学习氛围。

    The strengthening communication between teachers and students , to create a harmonious atmosphere for learning history .

  28. 对新课程中历史学习方式变革的对策研究。

    Research on the way to deal with middle school history learning style in the new curriculum .

  29. 学生的探索精神增强;研究性学习与高中生历史学习能力的培养

    The students ' probing ability has been developed ; Probing Study and the Ability of History Study

  30. 加强学法指导,培养良好的历史学习方法与习惯,提高学习能力。

    Strengthen the guidance of learning , develop the good methods and habits of learning , and improve the learning ability .