
  1. 第七条教育应当继承和弘扬中华民族优秀的历史文化传统,吸收人类文明发展的一切优秀成果。

    Article 7 In education the brilliant historic and cultural tradition of the Chinese nation shall be inherited and carried forward and all other excellent achievements of human civilization shall be absorbed .

  2. 考古工作是一项重要文化事业,也是一项具有重大社会政治意义的工作。历史文化遗产不仅生动述说着过去,也深刻影响着当下和未来。

    Archeological work is not only an important cultural undertaking but also has great social and political significance . Historical and cultural heritages tell vivid stories of the past and profoundly influence the present and future .

  3. GIS在历史文化资源保护中的应用研究

    Research on Application of GIS in Historical Cultural Resource Protection

  4. 第二部分,历史文化在城市CI战略中的地位和作用。

    Part II , the function and role of the historical culture in City Identity System .

  5. 整治&理清历史文化脉络,体现传统氛围;

    Rehabilitation & perceive The history cultural grain , embody traditionalatmosphere ;

  6. 城市园林绿化与城市历史文化传承

    Urban Garden Greening and Urban Historic and Cultural Passing and Spreading

  7. 应保留古代青铜器上的历史文化信息

    Historical and cultural information suitable to be reserved on ancient bronzes

  8. 南京历史文化资源存量与价值评估

    The Quantity and Value Evaluation of Nanjing Historic and Cultural Resources

  9. 长沙市历史文化名城物质形态方面的保护

    Material shape protection of famous historical and cultural city in Changsha

  10. 历史文化名城&都江堰

    Dujiangyan & A City Famous for its Long History and Culture

  11. 包头市历史文化遗产在城市建设中的作用

    Study on the Effection of Cultural Heritage in the City Construction

  12. 弘扬历史文化优势打造强势文化品牌

    Promote Historical and Cultural Superiority , Create Outstanding Cultural Brands

  13. 西部城市建设与利用历史文化遗存

    Western urban construction and utilization of historic and cultural relics

  14. 传承历史文化彰显地方特色

    The Inheritance of Historical Culture the Manifestation of Local Character

  15. 历史文化名城的保护和发展

    Protection and Development of the Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

  16. 历史文化名人在旅游业的发展中发挥着巨大的经济效应。

    Historical and cultural celebrities give full play to the economic effect .

  17. 邯郸历史文化与旅游开发刍议

    Modest proposal on Handan historical culture and tourist industry development

  18. 岳阳城市历史文化的形成及其近代变迁

    The Formation and Modern Vicissitude of Yueyang Urban Historical Culture

  19. 中国古代竞技运动的历史文化特征

    Historical and Cultural Characteristics of Competitive Sports in Ancient China

  20. 浅析紫线规划对历史文化保护的影响

    Influences of purple line planning on protection of historical and cultural heritages

  21. Ⅱ.中国传统历史文化背景相关概述。

    ⅱ . Chinese traditional historical and cultural background of the relevant overview .

  22. 喀什历史文化名城保护与老城区危旧房改造

    The kashgar historical and cultural cities protection and old city dangerous house reformation

  23. 区域历史文化传承与区域文化资源产业化

    Regional historical culture heritage and regional cultural resource industrialization

  24. 岳阳历史文化研究失误原因探析

    An Analysis on Study Lapsus of Yueyang Historical Culture

  25. 历史文化名城长沙保护与旅游开发研究

    Research on Protection and Tourism Development in the Historical Cultural City of Changsha

  26. 这些特性影响并决定着近代历史文化资源的开发与利用。

    It influences and decides the ways of development .

  27. 汪道昆的商人传记正是在这样的历史文化背景下创作的。

    His biographies of merchants were written in such historical and cultural background .

  28. 他的根是扎在华夏的历史文化土壤之中的。

    His root is deep in the soil of Chinese history and culture .

  29. 基督教产生的历史文化背景

    Historical and Cultural Background for the Emergence of Christianity

  30. 谈西部大开发中历史文化遗产的保护

    On Protecting Cultural Heritage in the Great Western Development