
  • 网络The Dust of History;Ashes of History
  1. 大多数网站都是短时间内大火,然后慢慢地埋没于历史的尘埃之中,因而不妨假定Facebook最后的命运也会是如此。4

    Most websites have flared up and then gradually declined in popularity , so it 's reasonable to assume Facebook will follow that pattern . 4

  2. 笔记本电脑和平板电脑的的一个区别就在于键盘,而键盘可能正在走向历史的尘埃里,一位Mac的专栏作家AndyIhnatko长期这么鼓吹。

    The one thing that differentiates a laptop from a tablet a keyboard could be on its way to the dustbin of history , contends long-time Mac columnist Andy Ihnatko .

  3. 在历史的尘埃中闪光&天一阁建筑景观

    Flashing in the Historical Dust & Architectural landScape of Tianyi Pavilion

  4. 时过境迁,很多关于化学的趣闻轶事都湮没在历史的尘埃中了。

    Chemistry has a lot of neat stuff buried in its history .

  5. 拂去历史的尘埃&给人类文明史一种新的诠释

    Flick the Dust of History & to Make a New Interpretation of Human Civilization

  6. 孩童总在永恒的神秘里安居,历史的尘埃无法将他蒙蔽。

    The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time , unobscured by the dust of history .

  7. 拨开历史的尘埃,多年来独自绽放的阳朔民俗文化,正等着与众不同的你来与她进行穿越时空的约会。

    Sweep away the dust of history , years of blooming alone Yangshuo folk culture , is waiting for you to unique across time and space date with her .

  8. 但在哈莱姆文艺复兴运动之后,文艺界以黑人男作家充满种族冲突的“抗议文学”占主流,赫斯顿及其塑造的黑人女性新形象湮没在历史的尘埃中。

    After the Harlem Renaissance , the black men writers ' " protest literature " that are full of racial conflicts occupied mainstream , Hurston and her positive black women images were neglected .

  9. 在这次历史性选举的尘埃落定后,新一届总统将面临一些国内、国际方面的严肃问题。

    After the excitement over the historic election dies down , the next president will face some serious domestic and international issues .

  10. 在冷战已经成为历史的今天,让我们拂去历史的尘埃,使那些往事重见天日。

    Today as the cold war is already the past history , let us unveil the inside once buried from the public .