
  • 网络The Function of History;Historical function
  1. 红茶菌是具有悠久历史的功能性饮料,近年来在日本及欧美兴起应用和研究的新高潮。

    Kombucha is a kind of functional drink with long history . Recently , it has been popular in Japan , Europe and America .

  2. 但是当前城市规模的改造与频繁的更新不仅使城市物质形态丧失记录真实历史的功能,同时也给城市社群带来种种的记忆认知、认同问题。

    However , urban physical form lost function of recording true history in the process of sweeping and frequent urban conversion and renewal nowadays . At the same time , all kind of issues on social cognition and identity came forth .

  3. 在对这些报刊内容和作用进行评价时,应实事求是地指出它们消极乃至反动的一面,同时也要肯定其特定时期内和一些方面的积极作用,以及它们记录地方历史的功能。

    While researching their content and values , we should pay attention both to their passive aspects and to their active roles in the particular historical period , and not forget their function of recording the events in the local history .

  4. WebSphereProcessServerV6.2在工作流图中添加了查看业务流程或任务历史记录的功能,从而增强了用于工作列表和任务管理的小部件。

    WebSphere Process Server V6.2 enhances the widgets for worklist and task management by adding the capability in the workflow diagram to view the history of a business process or a task .

  5. 但是,UNLOAD实用程序可以让您从之前做的备份副本上获取数据,这是一个将有助于您获得历史数据的功能。

    But , the UNLOAD utility can let you get data from previously taken backup copies , a feature which will help you to get historical data .

  6. 历史建筑的功能再生&武汉市美术馆方案设计

    The Function Rebirth of Historical Architecture & Wuhan Art Museum Project Design

  7. 城市更新中历史街区的功能置换

    Function replacement of the historical blocks in the urban renewal

  8. 很多IT管理员都十分怀念能够随时获知硬件物理历史记录的功能。

    Many an IT administrator has yearned for the ability to know the physical history of hardware .

  9. 在纪念深圳经济特区成立25周年之际,深圳在新的历史时期的功能定位和发展目标是什么?

    It is of great significance to clarify the new orientation and new mission of the Shenzhen SEZ on its 25th Anniversary .

  10. 此模型不仅提供保留计算机系统的有效方式,而且还提供了维护每个用户和计算机系统的历史记录的功能。

    This model not only provides an effective means of reserving computer systems , but the model also provides the ability to maintain a checkout history for each user and computer system .

  11. 从中我们不难看出历史教育的功能和内容总是随着时代发展的需要不断进行调整和改革。

    From the study we can find that the functions and the content of history education always regulate in pace with the development of the trend of the times , and this process is concerned with the development of historiography theory .

  12. 第四部分新课程下历史作业的功能观,以美国初中历史作业为例,得出相关启示,通过反思总结出历史作业实现的功能。

    The fourth part is functional concept of history homework in senior high school under the new curriculum , which uses history homework of senior high school in the United States as an example , elicits a related inspiration and sums up the function of history homework by reflection .

  13. 首先列出历史堆栈需要的功能,然后用JavaScript建立堆栈模型。

    We 'll start by outlining the functionality we need in our history stack , then model the stack in JavaScript .

  14. 系统采用C/S结构,前台采用PowerBuilder开发环境,后台DBMS为Oracle数据库管理系统,具有数据的接收、预警控制、信息反馈、制订维修计划、维修项目的完成关闭、维修历史的查询等功能。

    This system is based on C / S , PowerBuilder , and Oracle DBMS . It possesses data acquire , warning control , information feedback , establishing plan , query maintenance history .

  15. 发掘了中国历史地理学的社会功能;

    He explored the social function of China 's Historical Geography ;

  16. 历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性

    Social Function of History Teaching and Students ' Subjective Function

  17. 如何维护历史中心区的功能并作出积极的调整?

    How to keep the functions of the historical center and make some active adjustment ?

  18. 试论发挥历史学科的德育功能

    On Moral Education Function of Historical Discipline

  19. 该模块提供了与/etc/nologin文件的历史行为类似的功能。

    This module provides functionality similar to the historic behavior of the / etc / nologin file .

  20. 这是由行政工作的性质、行政产生的历史、行政的功能和职能以及公共行政的原则所决定的。

    That is decided by the nature , the historical the duties and the principle of public politician .

  21. 透视新时期历史教育的德育功能&兼论在高校中开设中国近现代史课程的重要性

    The Moral Function of History Education in the New Age and the Importance of Opening China Contemporary History

  22. 许多年前,版本控制系统就已经提供用于获取丰富的历史信息的许多功能了。

    Many of the capabilities for capturing rich history information have been around for years with version control systems .

  23. 高校档案在高校的改革发展中具有维护历史真实面貌的功能;

    In the reformation and development of universities and colleges , archives play the role of preserving the real contents of history .

  24. 这些都弱化了历史人物的教化功能,也不能很好地发挥历史学科的优势。

    These all weakened the culture function of the history person , and also can 't develop the advantage of the history course nicely .

  25. 如何发挥历史学科的教育功能,这是近年来有关领导及历史教育学研究人员所共同关注的问题。

    How to exert the educational function of history is the problem that draws the common attention of leaders , history instructors and researchers in recent years .

  26. 本文对历史教育的基本功能以及高等学校开展历史的必要性、教学内容与方法等问题做了探讨。

    This paper discusses the basic function of history education and the importance of the popularity in colleges , and also discusses the contents and methods of the related teaching .

  27. 历史教学的社会功能,主要是为了培养未来人才的社会功能,其中最能显示其功能的首推中学历史教学。

    The social function of history teaching is mainly for the training of talented persons for the future while the history teaching in middle schools can evidently show it best of all .

  28. 在我国市场经济的冲击下,实用主义的价值观强烈地冲击着传统的教育观,历史教育的人文学功能被长期忽视。

    With the market economy in our country , the pragmatistic ideas have a strong impact on the traditional teaching ideas . The humanistic function of history education has long been neglected .

  29. 作者认为,这类文本的翻译重点要考虑如何将原作的信息比较准确地传递到译语中,即做到功能加忠诚,较好地传达其历史文化信息的功能。

    The author maintains that how to express the original information in the target language accurately to realize its function of conveying historical and cultural information should be taken into consideration , complying with the principles of function plus loyalty .

  30. 根据目前的教学管理的现状和需要,教学管理人员和领导希望借助信息技术手段,建立教学数据运行中心和教学决策支持系统,提供对教学历史数据分析的功能。

    Based on the actuality and needs of teaching management , the staff and leader hope to set up the data center of teaching and decision support system of teaching management to provide the functions of analysis of data using information technology .