
  • 网络Magazine Papers
  1. Ambio杂志论文的作者们仔细研究了在1980年和1990年分别采自新英桥兰、纽约和宾夕法尼亚20个林地相同地点的土壤表层的样本。

    The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of20 forest floors in New England .

  2. 2003~2006年《预防医学论坛》杂志论文被引统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on Papers Citation of Preventive Medicine Tribune from 2003 to 2006

  3. 《机器人》杂志论文及作者的统计分析研究

    Statistics and analysis study of authors and papers published in academic journal robot

  4. 见解多以个人观点和杂志论文为主,缺乏有效和深入的研究。

    More personal views and opinions to magazine paper is given priority to , the lack of effective and in-depth research .

  5. 《自然》杂志论文的作者筛选了这些天体的数据,搜寻可能存在的特洛伊小行星。

    The authors of the Nature paper sifted through data on these rocks , looking for the candidates that might be Trojans .

  6. 近三十年我国教育知识来源的变迁&基于《教育研究》杂志论文引文的研究

    Transitions of the Source of Chinese Educational Knowledge in the Recent 30 Years & Based on the Research on the Quoted Papers in the Magazine of " Educational Research "

  7. 该研究的论文去年发表于《社会与个人关系》(JournalofSocialandPersonalRelationships)杂志。论文主要作者、哈弗福德学院的心理学副教授本杰明•勒(BenjaminLe)说,“想念促使你去努力维护你的社会关系。”

    Missing prompts you to maintain your social connection , ' says Benjamin Le , associate professor of psychology at Haverford and lead author of the study , published last year in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships .

  8. 当时,论文的主要作者GopalKundu告诉本网站说杂志撤销论文的决定是“极端的”(见监察组织说“印度需要独立伦理机构”)。

    Net that the decision of the journal to withdraw the papers was " drastic "( see India'needs independent ethics body'says watchdog ) .

  9. 本文以中国生物医学文献光盘数据库和MEDLINE光盘数据库为基准,对哈尔滨医科大学发表在中华系列杂志的论文从各个角度进行计量学分析。

    Based on " Chinese Biomedical Literature CD - ROM Database " and " MEDLINE CD - ROM Database ", this paper has made bibliometric analysis from various angles of papers written by Harbin Medical University and published in " Zhong Hua " Series Journals .

  10. 本章通过参考作者MLIS发表在加拿大图书馆杂志的论文,引用其研究成果,详细介绍研究过程,来证明公共图书馆成功推广阅读疗法的真实案例。

    This chapter through reference author MLIS was published in the Canadian Library Journal Papers , a reference to the research results , detailed study process , to demonstrate the successful promotion of public library reading therapy case .

  11. 发表于《自然》杂志的论文所描述的相机只能拍摄黑白照片。

    The camera described in the Nature paper only takes black-and-white pictures .

  12. 1995~2004年《中华妇产科杂志》论文作者群的分析

    Authorship patterns in Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 1995 to 2004

  13. 2000~2004年《中国健康教育》杂志发表论文相关数据分析

    Analysis of papers published in Chinese Journal of Health Education from 2000 to 2004

  14. 链接到《自然·生物技术》杂志的论文全文

    Link to full paper in Nature Biotechnology

  15. 医院图书馆的知识创新2000-2002上半年《中华医学图书情报杂志》论文引文分析

    Citation analysis of the Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science from 2000 to the first half of 2002

  16. 研究者们在《自然》杂志发表论文说:大脑可以在晚间修复失去的记忆。

    Researchers , writing in the journal Nature , said the brain could " rescue " lost memories during the night .

  17. 在另外的一篇发表在《更年期杂志》论文中,研究者们使用相同的数据来分析肥胖和热潮的关系。

    In another paper , published in the journal Climacteric , the researchers used the same data to analyze the link between obesity and hot flashes .

  18. 在今天(3月23日)发表于《自然》和《科学》杂志的论文中,科学家说这种病毒可能在物理上无法到达人类肺部深处容易被病毒感染的细胞。

    In papers published tomorrow ( 23 March ) by Nature and Science , they say the virus may be physically unable to reach vulnerable cells deep inside human lungs .

  19. 先后在人民日报等报刊杂志发表论文多篇,多次接受中央电视台、新华社、路透社等中外媒体采访。

    He published many articles in well-known magazines and newspapers , and accepted interviews with international and domestic media such as Reuters , WSJ , CCTV , CRI , and Xinhua News agency .

  20. 在两所大学于7月25日发表的声明中,他们表示,中国的相关规定在5月30日后发生变更,这是在他们向《自然》杂志提交论文之后。

    According to a statement issued by the two universities on25 July , Chinese regulations were changed on30 May . This , the statement adds , was after the group submitted their paper to Nature .

  21. 补钙能预防肾结石发生的证据&读新英格兰医学杂志Jackson等人论文的体会

    Effect of Calcium Supplementation on the Risk of Kidney Stones : Comments on Jackson 's Point of View in New England Journal of Medicine

  22. GSK已经作出回应说:他们对《新英格兰医学杂志》的论文表示强烈的不同意。

    GSK has responded by saying that it " strongly disagrees " with the conclusions of the NEJM paper .

  23. 上周,中国科学家在《科学》杂志上发表论文指出,转基因Bt抗虫棉不仅可抵制棉花中棉铃虫的侵害,也能保护相邻作物免遭虫害。

    Chinese scientists say genetically modified ( GM ) cotton can not only protect the crop from a particular pest , but also fend off the pest 's threat to neighbouring crops .

  24. 最后,Pickett和她的同事们在《流行病与社区卫生》杂志上发表论文声称戒烟的妈妈所生的孩子性格明显更随和。

    The women who quit had noticeably more easygoing babies , Pickett and colleagues reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health .

  25. 在2005年发表于《睡眠杂志》的论文中,Nielsen指出,一个晚上缺少30分钟快速眼动,会导致次日晚快速眼动增加35%——被试者快速眼动过程由74分钟跃增至100分钟。

    In a 2005 study published in Sleep , Nielsen showed that losing 30 minutes of REM one night can lead to a 35 percent REM increase the next night - subjects jumped from 74 minutes of REM to a rebound of 100 minutes .

  26. 他们已同意请求《科学》杂志撤消该论文。

    They had agreed to ask Science to withdraw the paper .

  27. 《情报杂志》基金论文产出的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Output of Funded Theses Published in Journal of Information

  28. 曾在专业杂志上发表论文数篇。

    He has published many articles on special magazines .

  29. 链接到《环境污染》杂志上的论文摘要

    Link to abstract of paper in Environmental Pollution

  30. 链接到《疟疾杂志》的论文全文

    Link to the full paper in Malaria Journal