
  • 网络Miscellaneous Fill;Qml
  1. 强夯法处理杂填土实例

    Case History for Treatment of Miscellaneous Fill by Dynamic Compaction

  2. 大面积深厚杂填土地基处理技术

    Heavy Miscellaneous Fill Layer with Sizable Area Foundation Treatment Technology

  3. CFG桩加固杂填土地基机理与施工心得

    The construction experience and mechanism of mixed backfill soil foundation reinforced by CFG pile

  4. 城市道路路基填筑中杂填土的处理

    Disposal of mixed backfill used in roadbed of city road Sity

  5. 深层搅拌法处理杂填土地基的探讨

    Investigation of treating mixed filling soil ground with deep layer mixing

  6. 换土垫层法是人工处理浅层淤泥、杂填土等软弱地基的常用方法。

    Soil mattress is a method used frequently on soft subgrade .

  7. 强夯处理城市道路杂填土路基实践

    Practice of Treating Foreign Fill Subgrade of Urban Roads by Strong Ram

  8. 劈裂灌浆法在道路杂填土软基中的应用

    Application of the Spliting and Grouting Method to Miscellaneous Fill Roadbed Stabilization

  9. 深层搅拌法加固桂林某杂填土地基工程实例

    Fill foundation treated in Guilin with cement deep mixing method

  10. 太原市杂填土震陷特性的试验研究

    Experimental research on seismic subsidence features of mixed backfill soil in Taiyuan

  11. 太原市区杂填土震陷特性的分析

    Analysis on Seismic Depression of Miscellaneous Fill in Urban District of Taiyuan City

  12. 强夯加固含淤泥新杂填土地基的研究

    On Dynamic Consolidation of Ground of a Recently Deposited Miscellaneous Fill Containing Mud

  13. 振冲法加固处理杂填土地基的机理与应用

    Mechanism and application of VIBRO-PERCUSSIVE method in consolidation and treatment of impurity fill foundation

  14. 杂填土抗液化性能的试验研究

    Experimental study on anti-liquefaction properties of miscellaneous fill

  15. 杂填土地基的评价与利用

    Evaluation and Utilization of Miscellaneous Soil-filling Foundation

  16. 注浆技术在杂填土中的应用

    Application of grouting technique in impurity fill

  17. 在岩土工程中,杂填土区的施工历来是施工项目中的重点和难点部分。

    In geotechnical engineering , construction in miscellaneous soil-filling areas has been a key and difficult problem .

  18. 砂石桩法在处理杂填土、粘性土地基中的应用与对比

    A comparison of the complex filled foundation with the clayey soil one treated using the sand-gravel pile approach

  19. 北京市区存在许多杂填土回填地基,主要是人为挖沙等原因形成。

    A lot of mixed backfill foundation exist in Beijing city mostly because of the excavation of sand .

  20. 天津玛钢厂杂填土(城市垃圾)地基强夯法加固

    Ramming Reinforcement for the Ground Filled with Miscellaneous Soil , City 's Rubbish , in Tianjin Malleable Steel Plant

  21. 强夯法在厦门软件园处理杂填土地基的运用

    Application of the dynamic consolidation method in the treating the deposited miscellaneous fill foundation in the Software Garden in Xiamen city

  22. 当城市生活垃圾与建筑垃圾混合堆放填埋时,就产生了一种特殊的填埋场&杂填土垃圾填埋场。

    A kind of especial landfill is produced when municipal solid waste and architecture waste are mixed in landfill-miscellaneous filling landfill .

  23. 灰土碎石振动挤密桩在杂填土地区的地基处理施工方法和作用

    Discussion on the Construction Method and Action of Foundation Treatment on the Vibrating Compaction Piles of Spodosol Rocks in the Miscellaneous Fill Areas

  24. 指出粉质土开挖塌方、杂填土成孔困难、排桩间塌陷、长边效应等施工难点解决措施。

    Furthermore , authors propose countermeasures of silty soil collapse , difficulty of hole-forming in miscellaneous fill , soil collapse between two piles and long-side effect .

  25. 结合用夯实水泥土桩来加固杂填土地基的工程实例,对用夯实水泥土桩加固地基的原理、设计计算以及施工中的有关问题进行了详细的论述;

    On the basis of practical cases , this paper discusses the principle design , calculation and construction of compound cement soil piles applied to foundation reinforcement .

  26. 本文介绍了杂填土强夯处理中强夯参数、施工要求及效果检验,并对杂填土强夯机理提出了几点看法。认为可在类似条件的场所推广,使用前景广阔。

    The parameters and the treatment check of dynamic compaction for miscellaneous fill are discussed , and some view points on the mechanism of the treatment are presented .

  27. 适用于砂土、粘性土、粉土、杂填土、黄土、淤泥、淤泥质土等土层中的基坑支护与土体加固。

    It applies to the support of excavation and soil reinforcement in sand , clay , silt , miscellaneous fill , loess , silt , silt soil and other soil .

  28. 在古城区建筑地基上部,广泛赋存以炉灰渣为主要成分的杂填土,其厚度不一。

    On the upper part of foundation in the ancient city , there is a large number of miscellaneous fill which is mainly composed of stove ashes and is variable in thickness .

  29. 由于软基中含有淤泥、粉细砂、中粗砂、杂填土等,且土质很不均匀,基础处理方案很难确定。

    Because the soft deposit contains silt , floury thin sand , medium thin sand , fill section and so on , the scheme of foundation treat can not be easily decided .

  30. 喷粉桩加固软土技术主要适用于处理淤泥、淤泥质土、粉土和含水量较高的粘性土,以及能成桩的杂填土。

    The technique to reinforce soft soils using DJM piles is mainly applicable to treatment of mire , sludge soil , silty soil , cohesive soil with a high moisture content and complex earth-fill .