
  • 网络plain fill;Qml
  1. 素填土化学灌浆补强加固处理

    Plain Fill Strengthening and Treatment with a Chemical Injection Process

  2. 本文根据勘察资料及室内外试验成果,对合肥市琥珀山庄区素填土的工程地质性质进行初步研究,对该区素填土地基评价和素填土的利用问题提出了看法。

    Ased upon the investigation materials and the data from field and lab testing , the geotechnical properties of the plain fill in " Hupo Villa " in Hefei city are studied and the utilization of the plain fill is discussed .

  3. 8m厚人工素填土地基的强夯压实

    The Compacting of 8m-Thick Plain Fill Foundation

  4. 利用辅桩处理素填土的多元复合地基设计与工程应用

    Application of the Multi-elememt Composite Ground to Treat Plain Fill

  5. 强夯法处理某野外放飞试验场膨胀土新素填土地基的工程实践

    Dynamic Consolidation Treatment of Expansive Filled-up Ground for a Field Test Site

  6. 素填土地基的承载力和沉降估算

    Foundation Bearing Capacity & Settlement Calculation for Plain Filling Soils

  7. 重庆地铁素填土中浅埋暗挖施工方案比选

    Discussion about Shallow Burying Underground Excavation Method Selection in Plain Filling Soil

  8. 应用深层搅拌法处理素填土路基

    Treating plain fill roadbed with deep stirring

  9. 在淤泥中大面积开挖及填筑路堤的方法探讨重庆地铁素填土中浅埋暗挖施工方案比选

    Analyzing and Comparing the Methods of Digging and Filling Road Bank in Silt Discussion about Shallow Burying Underground Excavation Method Selection in Plain Filling Soil

  10. 研究结果表明:强夯加固素填土,强度随时间增长;竖向形成上硬下软的2层结构;

    The results show that the plain fill reinforced by dynamic compacting forms a kind of two-layer structure with harder top whose strength increasing with time .

  11. 二灰黄土是利用石灰、粉煤灰与土料混合作为回填土的一种新型材料,用以代替传统的灰土或素填土。

    Lime-fly ash loess , composed of fly ash , lime and loess , is a new material in subgrade backfill to take the place of the ( traditional ) lime soil .

  12. 阐述素填土地基的工程特性,提出确定素填土地基承载力和沉降估算方法,并对素填土地基的工程勘察进行探讨。

    It has not only expounded engineering properties of foundation with plain fillings , but also provided a method to determine its foundation bearing capacity and settlement calculation , as well as an approach to its foundation construction investigations .