
  1. 表现方法上以建筑素描稿为主,在色彩上强烈表达着水彩的情感和意境。

    Method to architectural sketches , in color , strong expression of watercolor emotion and mood .

  2. 如你们将看到的,我没有画素描稿,而是直接上色块。

    As you are about to see , I used a direct mass painting approach working without a preliminary drawing .

  3. 本文试图解释清楚关于西方美术史上运用素描稿和当前国内部分人利用照片进行古典主义绘画创作之间的差异。

    This article attempts to explain the difference between the use of sketch in western art history and some Chinese using photos to the classical paintings .

  4. 首先针对素描在古典主义绘画中的重要性进行研究,揭示出古典主义绘画的纯正性在于:它是一种在严谨的素描稿基础上进行创作,并反映理想美学观的艺术形态。

    First , through the research of the importance on sketch in classical paintings , it reveals the purity of the classical painting : it is an art form that reflects esthetics view on the basis of precise sketch .