
  1. 寒凉派的创始人刘完素,钻研《内经》35a,大有开悟,著《素问玄机原病式》,尤其对病机十九条中火热病机,将原有的14项,推衍扩大为57条。

    LIU Wan-su who was the founder of cold and cool clique studied " Neijing " intensively for 35 years and comprehended it well . He wrote " Suwen-Xuanji-yuanbingshi " in which 14 items of fire-heat pathogenesis , one of 19 item-pathogenesis , were expanded to 57 items .

  2. 五运六气学说是《素问玄机原病式》中的重要内容,“六气皆从火化”、“五志过极皆为热甚”是其主要论点。

    The theory of the five evolutive phases and six climatic factors is important content in etiology based on plain questions .