
  1. 扦插育苗生长激素以1000mg·kg-1ABT1号生根粉效果最好,基质以70%红心土±30%火烧土为佳,生根率可达80%以上。

    The treatment effect of 1000mg · kg ~ ( - 1 )№ 1 ABT rooting powder was the best , the mixed medium with 70 % red-heart soil and 30 % fire soil were ideal .

  2. 即:运用80%森林土+20%火烧土及20%复合肥均匀混合的培育基质,采用大规格的容器15cm×19cm,于育苗期间定期追施沼气肥可取得榉树容器苗壮苗培育的好效果;

    Using the medium of 80 % forest soil + 20 % burnt soil and 20 % compound fertilizer as the cultivation medium , container of 15 cm × 19 cm , biogas waste fertilizer as top dressing could achieved good effect .

  3. 但传统的容器育苗基质大都以森林腐殖质土、黄心土、火烧土配合有机肥料、树皮粉等为主,重量较重,不便于运输,增加了造林成本,从而限制了容器苗的发展。

    But traditional container seedlings media is inconvenient to transport and increase afforesting cost .

  4. 不同群落地段的日净光合速率有显著差异。未经火烧覆砂地段最高,次为火烧灌水厚土地段,火烧薄土地段最低。

    The net photosynthetic rate per day in different stands was different too , the highest one being the stand with sand cover , the next being that with thick soil and burned , and the lowest one being that with thin soil and after burning .