
huǒ jù
  • torch;torch light
火炬 [huǒ jù]
  • [torch] 火把。由含树脂的木材或拧成束的稻草或绳子作成,通常手持用于照明

火炬[huǒ jù]
  1. 他们为使理想主义和希望的火炬不熄灭而奋斗。

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive .

  2. 火炬象征光明。

    A torch symbolizes the brightness ( of the future ) .

  3. 游行者排成了火炬长龙。

    The marchers held a torchlight procession .

  4. 要求和平的火炬示威游行

    a torch-lit march for peace .

  5. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。

    His emblems are the spear and the burning torch .

  6. 这种影响非常强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的天然气火炬所"捕获"。

    The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being " captured " by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms .

  7. 自由火炬在一角硬币的反面。

    The liberty torch is on the back of the dime .

  8. 一个著名的运动员举着火炬跑到运动场。

    A famous athlete held a torch and ran to the stadium .

  9. 真理是一个火炬,不用驱散大雾,其火炬即能透过

    Truth is a torch , which can pierce the mist without dispelling it .

  10. 但是,火炬燃烧了整整一年,也没有人前来求见。

    But the torch had been burning for one whole year , and yet nobody came .

  11. 又像英勇的火炬,

    and heroic torches as well

  12. 双色火炬外形极具动感和活力,象征冰火相约,照亮冰雪,温暖世界。

    Beaming with dynamism and vitality how it will bring light and warmth to the winter sports gala .

  13. 2022年冬奥会火炬旋转上升,如双色“飞舞丝带”重叠,内部的红色丝带如火焰升起,与外部的银色丝带形成强烈的反差效果。

    The 2022 Olympic torch spirals upward to resemble two overlapping rising flames , with the outer one plated in silver to produce a striking contrast .

  14. 火炬上刻有北京2022年冬奥会会徽及奥运五环,自下而上从云纹逐渐过渡到雪花图案,最后呈现为火焰。

    The torch features the Beijing 2022 emblem and the Olympic rings etched on its section , with patterns of clouds and snowflakes painted from the bottom up to the flame .

  15. 红色线条随火炬转动,似无限延伸,表达了人类生生不息、向往光明与和平、追求卓越的期望和奥林匹克运动的力量。

    As the torch turns , the whirling red line hidden in the crack seems to stretch endlessly , representing mankind 's relentless and the values promoted by the Olympic Movement .

  16. 火炬交接时,两支火炬的顶部可以紧密相扣,体现出让不同文明更加相知相融的北京2022年冬奥会愿景。

    The design allows both torches to lock into each other at the top when one bearer passes the flame to another during the Torch Relay , symbolizing Beijing 2022 's vision to promote mutual understanding and respect between different cultures .

  17. 2022年冬残奥会火炬与冬奥会火炬结构与样式相同,采用金色与银色,火炬最下方刻有“北京2022年冬残奥会”全称的盲文。

    Sharing the same structure and patterns , the torch for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games features a different color scheme of gold and silver . The bottom of the torch is engraved with Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games in Braille .

  18. 北京即将成为奥运历史上首座“双奥之城”,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会火炬整体外观与北京2008年奥运会开幕式主火炬塔的巨型卷轴形态相呼应,体现了双奥之城的传承与发扬。

    To honor Beijing 's status as the world 's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics , the 2022 torch features a similar design to the 2008 Games ' main cauldron , which resembled a giant scroll of the Olympic spirit in the Chinese capital .

  19. 火炬松×加勒比松F1代生长性状遗传参数的动态变化

    The dynamic change of genetic parameters for growth traits of the first generation hybrids of Pinus taeda × P. caribaea in six years

  20. 蒸汽在PX火炬头中的应用

    Application of steam on PX flare head

  21. 采用一种新型木材改性处理剂,分别以改性异氰酸酯浓度5%、10%、15%、20%,对美国人工林火炬松(Pinustaeda)进行表面密实化处理。

    The plantation wood of Pinus taeda was compressed on the surface with a new improved treatment technology .

  22. 速生抗病火炬松Pinustaeda苗的磁化培育和早期筛选技术研究

    Study on the technique of magnetic cultivation and early screen of quick-grown and disease-resist ant seedling of Pinus taeda

  23. 结合工程应用实例,介绍了PX火炬头中蒸汽的设计特点。

    Combing with practical project , the design characteristics of steam on p - xylene flare head is introduced in the paper .

  24. 火炬松木材晚材率径向变异模式为10a以前随生长轮的增加而迅速增加,11a后逐渐趋于稳定。

    The variation model of latewood percentage of loblolly pine is increases rapidly before 10a , and after 11a levels off .

  25. 培养于附加2,4-D、BA和KT的愈伤组织诱导培养基上的火炬松成熟合子胚在培养3-9周后形成白色、半透明、有光泽的粘性愈伤组织。

    White , translucent , glossy mucilaginous callus was initiated from the mature zygotic embryos explants on callus induction medium with 2,4-D , BA , and kinetin in the 3-9th week of culture .

  26. 火炬松幼龄材力学性能劣于成熟材,其MOE、MOR分别较成熟材低39.1%、28.9%。

    Juvenile wood had worse mechanical properties than mature wood . Its MOR and MOE were respectively 28.9 % and 39 . 1 % , both lower than mature wood 's.

  27. 吸收塔的塔板数为15时,可将火炬气中H2S脱除到摩尔分数1.00×10-4以下,且具有较好的脱硫选择性。

    And absorber tray number 15.Under above conditions , mole fraction of H_2S in flare gas to be treated can be reduced to less than 1.00 × 10 ~ - 4 with high desulfurization selectivity .

  28. 在修复工程中,新的火炬由24K纯金薄片仔细覆盖。

    During that project , the new torch was carefully covered with thin sheets of24k gold .

  29. 火炬系统的设置必须以安全、环保为原则,火炬设计中必须对处理能力、热辐射、SO2落地浓度、长明灯等环节进行详细计算。

    According to the principle of keeping safe and environment friendly , the desire of torch must be considered and calculated for all round dealing capability , heat radiation , landing diversity of SO2 , long-live light , etc. in details .

  30. XH公司成立于1992年,坐落于国家火炬计划软件产业基地&大连软件园,是以大量的对日商业流程外包(BPO)为主要业务的信息技术公司。

    Established in 1992 in Dalian Software Park , the national software industry base of China , XH is a hi-tech company primarily focused on providing business process outsourcing ( BPO ) services to Japanese enterprises .