
  • 网络fire hazard;fire potential;fire hidden danger
  1. 同时发现该场所还存在不少的火灾隐患。

    Also found that the place there are still many fire hazards .

  2. 随着社会经济和城市的快速发展,火灾隐患也大大增加。

    With the rapid socio-economic and urban development , fire hazards are greatly increased .

  3. 这家餐馆已经重新整修了——之前发现存在火灾隐患。

    The restaurant has been refurbished — it was found to be a fire risk

  4. 第二十五条公安消防机构发现火灾隐患,应当及时通知有关单位或者个人采取措施,限时消除隐患。

    Article 25 Public security fire control institutions , when finding out hidden fire danger , shall inform relevant units or individuals in time to take measures and order to remove the hidden danger within a time limit .

  5. 为动员加州州政府所有机构,加州州长杰里•布朗(JerryBrown)已宣布该地区进入紧急状态。他警告说,当地还有可能发生余震,震区仍然存在火灾隐患。

    Jerry Brown , Governor of California , declared a state of emergency in the area , warning that aftershocks may continue and that there is still a risk of fires .

  6. 针对LOM快速成形机存在的火灾隐患,对其防火报警系统进行了研究,研制出了一套LOM快速成形机火灾报警系统。

    A set of intelligent fire alarming systems are designed to protect the LOM RPM from being damaged by hidden danger .

  7. 针对LOM快速成型机存在的火灾隐患,设计了一套智能防火报警系统,通过各种火灾报警系统方法的比较,提出了将紫外火焰传感器作为火灾检测传感元件的方法;

    A intelligent fire detection system is designed to protect the LOM from damaged by hidden danger . By comparision with different methods on fire detection , we propose to use the UV sensor as the detective component , and chose the threshold value by applying intelligence .

  8. 火灾隐患和我们一样收听天气预报。

    Firebugs listen to the weather reports just like we do .

  9. 所有这些书和报纸都是实实在在的火灾隐患。

    All these books and papers are a real fire risk .

  10. 某重大火灾隐患单位整改措施的确定性研究

    Study on Improving Measures for a Building with Major Fire Potential

  11. 电气火灾隐患的诊断和改进方法

    The Diagnosis and Improving Method for the Potential Hazard of Electrical Fires

  12. 抽烟既是健康的敌人又是火灾隐患。

    Smoking is both a health hazard and afire hazard .

  13. 石油化工生产火灾隐患及预防对策

    Hidden Dangers in Fires and Prevention Countermeasures in Petrochemical Production

  14. 利用红外检测技术判断电气火灾隐患

    Determination of latency electrical fire hazard by infra-red inspection technique

  15. 常见的接地故障电气火灾隐患及其防范

    Common incipient fault earth fault fire hazard and its countermeasures

  16. 以性能为基础的建筑重大火灾隐患判定及整改方法研究

    Major Fire Potential Judgment and Modification Based on Performance-Based Design

  17. 消防队员正在检查一所废弃仓库的火灾隐患。

    The firemen are inspecting an abandoned warehouse for potential fire hazard .

  18. 公共建筑火灾隐患分级判定方法研究

    Study on Judgement Method of Grading the Fire Hazard of Public Buildings

  19. 火灾隐患评定方法的探讨

    Discussion on the evaluation method of hidden fire hazard

  20. 火灾隐患成因分析及其整改对策的思考

    Cause analysis of fire hazard and consideration of improvement

  21. 论网吧存在的火灾隐患与预防对策

    On the hidden trouble of fire and preventing countermeasure in the net club

  22. 浅谈公共建筑内部装修火灾隐患的原因与对策

    On Reason of Fire Hidden Danger for Public Building Internal Fitting and Countermeasure

  23. 三合一建筑场所成因及火灾隐患整治对策

    Causes and Countermeasures to Fire Risks in 3-in-1 Sites

  24. (一)对火灾隐患不及时消除的;

    ( I ) Those who do not remove fire danger in time ;

  25. 广西加油站的火灾隐患浅析

    Analysis on hidden fire perils at gas stations

  26. 文章分析了各种电气火灾隐患,并提出了相应的预防对策。

    Analysing on hidden dangers caused by electric apparatus and putting forward preventive measures .

  27. 电气火灾隐患的分析

    Analysis on Hidden Dangers of Electric Fire Accidents

  28. (四)组织防火检查,及时消除火灾隐患;

    ( IV ) Organize fire prevention inspection and remove hidden danger in time ;

  29. 这里存在很严重的火灾隐患

    This is a pretty serious fire hazard .

  30. 液态烃泵火灾隐患及防治对策研究

    Fire Risk Analysis Caused by Liquid Hydrocarbon Pump and the Study on Corresponding Preventive Measures