
  • 网络flame propagation;flame propagating;FLAME TESTS
  1. 用火焰传播理论对现有燃烧器在稳燃方面存在的问题进行了分析,根据NOx生成机理对挖掘燃烧器的低NOx潜力进行论证。

    The combustion stabilization problems in existing burners were analyzed with the flame propagation theory , and the potential to reduce NOx was demonstrated according to the formation mechanism of NOx .

  2. 此外,利用基团贡献法分析了HFC类阻燃剂对火焰传播的抑制效率,提出了一个基于火焰传播速度的最小惰化浓度估算公式。

    In addition , based on the group contribution method theory , the inhibition efficiency on flame propagation speed and the estimated formula of the minimum inerting concentration of HFC flame retardant were established .

  3. 在改进的SIMPLE算法的基础上,采用VC++语言自己编制了适用于模拟爆燃火焰传播的二维数值计算程序。

    Based on improved SIMPLE algorithm , a two-dimensional program code applicable to simulating deflagration flame is compiled in VC + + language .

  4. 本文测量了不同直径的PMMA燃料棒在逆风和静止环境中的火焰传播速度、裂解长度和火焰形状。

    In this paper the flame spreading rate ( Vf ), pyrolysis length ( lp ) and flame structure of PMMA fuel rod in an opposed air flow and quiescent environment were investigated .

  5. 本文在长1.5m的方形透明实验管道上,采用光电传感器、压力传感器以及高速摄像等器件,建立了管内爆炸火焰传播的光信号和压力信号测试系统。

    Based on square transparent experimental tube with 1.5m long , photoelectrical transducer , pressure transducer and high-speed video camera was used to set up optical and pressure signal testing system .

  6. 实验结果与Babkin提出的多孔介质中的火焰传播机理相符。

    The results are in agreement with the flame propagation mechanism proposed by Babkin .

  7. 在一个大气压和温度523K条件下,采用圆管法,对甲醇、汽油(70~)和甲醇/汽油(70~)(摩尔比1∶1)-空气的层流火焰传播速度进行了测定。

    The laminar burning velocities at 523K , 1 atm for methanol , gasoline and methanol / gasoline blends-air mixtures were measured by the tube method .

  8. 实验高速纹影图像和压力测试记录结果表明变形Tulip火焰传播可分为五个动力学阶段,即球形火焰、指尖形火焰、接触壁面火焰、Tulip火焰和变形Tulip火焰。

    The schlieren images and the pressure records show that the distorted tulip flame propagation can be divided into five stages of dynamics , i.e. spherical flame , finger-shape flame , flame touching the sidewalls , tulip flame and distorted tulip flame .

  9. 依据实验值得到了管内火焰传播速度的经验公式。

    Empirical formula about flame propagation speed in tube is obtained .

  10. 微重力下环境压力对火焰传播的影响

    The effect of ambient pressure on the flame spread in microgravity

  11. 应用图像处理技术进行预混层流火焰传播速度的在线测量

    Laminar Premixed Flame Propagation Velocity On-line Measurement by Image Processing Technique

  12. 甲醇汽油火焰传播速度模拟分析研究

    The Simulation and Research of Flame Spread Speed of Petrol and Methanol

  13. 得出了计算火焰传播速度的经验公式。

    The empirical formula of calculating flame - propagating speed is obtained .

  14. 汽油机火焰传播几何模型的应用研究

    Application Research on a Flame Propagating Geometric Model of an SI Engine

  15. 点火能对瓦斯火焰传播影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Igniting Energy for the Methane Flame Propagation

  16. 药床中火焰传播速率测试技术研究

    A method of measuring the flame propagation rate in fire transfer tube

  17. 置障条件下可燃气火焰传播的研究现状

    Research Status of Flame Propagation of Combustible Gas Under Conditions of Obstacles

  18. 初始压力对天然气-氢气-空气混合气火焰传播特性的影响

    Influence of Initial Pressure on Flame Propagation Characteristics of Natural Gas-Hydrogen-Air Mixture

  19. 微重力条件下竖板表面火焰传播过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Flame Spread Over a Vertical Wall in Microgravity Environment

  20. 瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰传播规律及其加速机理的研究

    Research on accelerating mechanism and flame transmission in gas explosion

  21. 汽油机射流燃烧系统火焰传播过程的研究

    An Investigation into Flame Propagation in an Engine of TJ-Jet Combustion System

  22. 催化重整反应对层流火焰传播速度的影响

    Effect of Catalytic Reforming Reaction on Laminar Flame Propagation Velocity

  23. 有沉积煤尘的管道内瓦斯火焰传播特性

    Transmission Characteristics of Gas Flame in Pipelines with Coal Dust

  24. 湍流的诱导及对瓦斯爆炸火焰传播的作用

    Inducement of Turbulence and Its Effect on Fire Transmission in Gas Explosion

  25. 二甲醚火焰传播速度的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Flame Propagation Velocity of Dimethyl Ether

  26. 影响木材火焰传播速度特征量的实验研究

    Measurement of factors influencing the flame spreading of wood

  27. 湍流预混火焰传播速度的分形模型研究

    The investigation on fractal model of the propagating speed of turbulent premixed flame

  28. 受限空间瓦斯爆炸反射波及对火焰传播的影响

    Influence of Reflected Wave of Gas Explosion on Flame Transmission in Confined Space

  29. 高压乙烷火焰传播特性的试验研究

    Experimental study on propagating ethane flame at high pressure

  30. 甲醇、乙醇&空气混合物层流火焰传播速度的实验研究

    An experimental investigation of the laminar flame speeds of methanol , ethanol-air mixtures