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huǒ dú
  • Fire poison;toxic materials produced by fire-evil;infection caused by burns
火毒 [huǒ dú]
  • [scorching] 形容像火一般的毒辣无情

  • 火毒心肠

  1. 黑膏药过敏性试验及去火毒工艺研究

    Black Plaster Allergic Test and Technical Study of Removing Fire Toxin

  2. 脑出血急性期与痰瘀火毒

    Acute Period of Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Phlegm , Blood Stasis , Pathogenic Fire and Toxin

  3. 人的皮肉上若起了火毒,火毒的瘀肉成了红斑,或是白中带红的,或是全白的

    When someone has a burn on his skin and a reddish-white or white spot appears in the raw flesh of the burn

  4. 火斑若在原处止住,没有在皮上发散,乃是发暗,是起的火毒,祭司窑定他为洁净,不过是火毒的痕迹。

    If , however , the spot is unchanged and has not spread in the skin but has faded , it is a swelling from the burn , and the priest shall pronounce him clean ; it is only a scar from the burn .

  5. 目的:观察中药汤剂解毒凉血汤联合小剂量的甲氨蝶呤治疗白疙(火毒炽盛型)的临床疗效,并对其临床疗效进行客观评价,从而指导临床红皮病型银屑病的治疗。

    Objective : To observe the clinical curative effect and objectively evaluate that JIE DU LIANG XUE soup of traditional Chinese medicine with small doses of methotrexate therapy HUO DU CHI SHENG type of BAI BI to guide the clinical erythrodermic psoriasis treatment . Methods : 1 .