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  1. 下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。

    The next scene takes the story forward five years .

  2. 双凸极永磁电机中五种PWM控制方式下的电流拖尾现象

    Mechanism of Current Lag Under Five PWM Control Strategies in Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motors

  3. HPLC法测定茶叶水提液中五种儿茶素和咖啡碱及其用于茶叶分类的研究

    Simultaneous Determination of Five Catechins and Caffeine in Tea by HPLC and Differentiation of Teas by Cluster Analysis

  4. HPLC法同时测定保健食品中五种违禁性功能药物

    Simultaneous Determination of Five Species of Contraband Medicine Component to Enhance Sexual Function in Health Food by HPLC

  5. 导电性腈纶中五硫化九铜(Cu9S5)的生成机理

    An investigation on the formation mechanism of cu_8s_5 in the conductive PAN fiber

  6. 文章选择欧洲经济与货币联盟(EMU)中五个代表性国家德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、西班牙,对其进行了区域经济一体化条件下国家财政政策绩效实证分析。

    The article select 5 representative national of Economic & Monetary union ( EMU ) , including Germany Spain , France , Netherlands .

  7. LC-MS/MS同时分析血液中五种巴比妥类药物

    Determination of Five Barbiturate Drugs in Blood by LC-MS / MSB

  8. 移相掩模技术数字光弹性中五步彩色相移法及其应用

    Five-Step Color Phase - Shifting Technique in Digital Photoelasticity and Its Applications

  9. 放射免疫分析中五种常用标准曲线的比较

    A Comparison Between Five Normal Curves Commonly Used in RIA

  10. 建筑施工中五大伤害分析及预防措施

    Analysis & Preventive Measures of " Five Major Injures " in Construction

  11. 这是本学期案例分析专题作业中五部分的第三部分。

    This is the third part of a five-part , semester-long project .

  12. 太原市地表土中五种重金属元素的污染监测及评价

    Monitoring and evaluation of heavy-metal pollution state in surface-layer soll of Taiyuan City

  13. 火锅汤汁中五种微量元素的含量及影响因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Affecting the Content of 5 Trace Elements in Chafing-dish Soup

  14. 牛乳中五种无机元素含量测定

    Determination of Contents of 5 Inorganic Elements in Milk

  15. 研究群决策过程中五类不确定性偏好的集结方法。

    The group aggregation approach for five style uncertain preference information is studied .

  16. 灰化消解-极谱法测定油料中五个重金属元素

    Polarographic Determination of 5 Heavy Metals in Oil with Ashing Digestion of Sample

  17. 在吵闹中五个以上被打。

    Five others were hurt in the brawl .

  18. 天鹅星座中五颗最亮的星组成十字架形状。

    A cluster of 5 bright stars forming a cross in the constellation Cygnus .

  19. 他想回忆一下,想越过一生中五分之三的光阴和繁杂的事件去回忆。

    He tried to remember , span the crowded events of three-fifths of a lifetime .

  20. 托特纳姆前锋杰梅因。迪幅在白路巷球场独中五员,以9-1重创对手。

    Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe scored five goals in the9-1 thrashing at White Hart Lane .

  21. 同一山洞中五种蝙蝠的回声定位比较及生态位的分化

    The Echolocation Comparison and the Differentiation of Ecology Niche of Five Species Bats Live in One Cave

  22. 光纤中五阶非线性对类明孤子传输特性的影响

    The influence of the fifth-order nonlinearity on the propagation properties of the soliton-like pulses in the optical fiber

  23. 但是,目前中医学专业教育体系中五年制、七年制和研究生三种不同层次之间仍然存在着一些问题。

    At present , there are some problems with five-year , seven-year and postgraduate programs in Chinese medicine education .

  24. 医用输液是我国药品中五大类重要制剂之一,临床应用十分广泛。

    With wide clinical use , infusion fluid is one of the five major types of preparations in China .

  25. 她丈夫说罐头盒上写着:打开罐头盒并直立于热水中五分钟。

    Her husband said the words on the tin were : open tin and stand in hot water for five minutes .

  26. 除著时光倒流,影片讲述主角俩生命中五个最重要的时刻。

    As it moves backwards in time , it covers five significant moments in the lives of the two central characters .

  27. 第四章重点阐述我国房地产信托业发展中五个现实困难与五个存在问题。

    Chapter 4 summarizes the five current difficulties and five existing issues in the development of the real estate industry in China .

  28. 为了正确理解和实施新课程的教学理念,我们应当处理好英语教学中五个辩证关系,即课本、教材与课程资源的关系;

    We need to deal carefully with several dialectical relationships : the relationship between the textbook , teaching materials and curriculum resources ;

  29. 通过体外抗氧化实验对柑橘皮中五种多甲氧基黄酮单体的抗氧化功能进行研究。

    The antioxidant properties of five multimethoxyl flavonoids from citrus peel were determined respectively by ferric thiocyanate method and phospholipids peroxidantion in liposome .

  30. 结果表明:除原料外的其他六种产品.中五种季铵盐含量达标。

    The results showed that except for material , there are five products whose quaternary ammonium content were qualified among the other six products .