
  1. 给出了AF、UF、FOR、SFR、EAF和EFOR的可用性增长模型,用于评定大型火电设备可用性改进的效果。

    Some availability growth models for AF , UF , FOR , SER , EAF and EFOR are given , for use with assessing availability improvement results of large capacity thermal power equipments .

  2. 给出了AF、UF、FOR、SER、EAF和EFOR的验证试验方案,用于考核大型火电设备的可用性水平是否达到合同要求的指标值。

    Some verified test plans for AF , UF , FOR , SER , EAF and EFOR are given , for the use of checking whether or not availability level of large capacity thermal power equipments corresponds to availability index values in purchase contract .

  3. 给出了可用系数AF、不可用系数UF、强迫停运率FOR、运行率SER、等效可用系数EAF和等效强迫停运率EFOR的点估计和区间估计的公式,用于鉴定大型火电设备的可用性水平。

    Some point estimation and interval estimation formulas for availability factor AF , unavailability factor UF , forced outage rate FOR , service rate SER , equivalent availability factor EAF and equivalent forced outage rate EFOR are given in use for authenticating availability level of large capacity thermal power equipments .

  4. 大型火电设备可用性评定新技术

    New technology for availability assessment of large capacity thermal power equipments

  5. 火电设备寿命诊断方法及其应用

    Methods and Application in Life-span Diagnoses of Equipments in Thermal Power Plants

  6. 论述我国火电设备的发展对装备我国电力工业有着举足轻重的地位。

    The decisive role of China 's fossil power generating equipment development in equipping China 's electric power industry is reviewed .

  7. 该新技术为大型火电设备可用性的鉴定、评定和验收提供了科学的依据。

    The new technology may provide a scientific basis for availability authentication , assessment and acceptance of large capacity thermal power equipments .

  8. 本论文从企业管理的实际出发,探讨项目管理这种现代组织形式在火电设备机械制造企业管理中的运用。

    The paper proceed from enterprise management which the modern organization form of the application in coal power facilities mechanical manufacture enterprise management .

  9. 火电设备初投资大,占用资金多,保证并延长这些发电设备的使用寿命意义重大。

    The initial investment of a power plant is so great that it is significant to assure and extend service life of electric power equipments .

  10. 大型火电设备制造中的质量监督方法与实践我国大型火电直接空冷技术的特点

    Quality supervision method and its application in manufacturing of large thermal power equipment Technical Characteristic of Direct Air Cooling in Large Electric Power Plant in China

  11. 由于火电设备日趋于高参数、大容量、复杂化,其安全经济运行对社会的影响越来越大。

    The equipments in power plants trend to be characterized by high parameters , large-capacity and complexity , its safe and economy operating has a great influence on the society .

  12. 提出了大型火电设备可用性评定新技术,内容包括可用性的区间估计、增长分析模型和验证试验方案。

    A new technology for availability assessment of large capacity thermal power equipments is presented . The technology includes availability interval estimation , availability growth analysis models and availability verified test plans .

  13. 电能的使用已经渗透到社会、经济、生活的各个领域,而在我国电源结构中火电设备容量占总装机容量的75%。

    The use of power has infiltrated the social , economic , in all areas of life , and in the power structure of China 's thermal power equipment capacity of the total installed capacity of75 % .

  14. 本文简要阐述了上海近年来在火电设备、核电设备和水电设备焊接中的技术进展,以及上海在发电设备焊接制造中的基础能力。

    Material Technology Progress in the Chinese Power Equipment Manufacturing Industry In this paper the technical progress of welding in fossil power equipment , nuclear power equipment and hydro power equipment in recent years and the basic ability in welding production of power equipment in Shanghai are briefly described .

  15. 基于SIS的火电厂设备状态在线评价系统方法的研究

    Online Appraisal System for Equipment State in Power Plant Based on SIS

  16. 基于AHP-FUZZY方法的火电厂设备状态分级评价

    Equipment states evaluation of thermal power plant based on AHP-FUZZY method

  17. 火电厂设备点检制管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and Application of Equipment Spot-inspection Administrative System in Power Plant

  18. 一种新的火电机组设备性能评价方法

    A New Method for Evaluating the Performance of Power Station Equipment

  19. 多变量统计过程控制技术在火电厂设备故障检测中的应用

    Application thermal equipment fault detection of multivariate statistical process control

  20. 火电厂设备在线性能评估系统数据通讯的实现

    Data Communication of Power Plant Equipment On-line Performance Evaluating System

  21. 火电厂设备状态的分级评价方法研究

    Study on grading evaluation method of equipments state in thermal power plants

  22. 引进火电机组设备备品备件的管理

    Spare Parts Management for Imported Thermal Power Generating Unit

  23. 火电厂设备状态检修管理系统研究

    Study on Power Plant Equipment Condition-based Maintenance Management System

  24. 基于积分排名制的火电辅机设备反向竞拍采购机制研究

    The Study of Reverse Auction Purchase Mechanism for Thermal Power Auxiliary Equipment Based on Points Ranking

  25. 创造性的提出并建立了火电辅机设备采购的投标人市场力积分排名评价指标体系。

    This paper also creatively proposed and established thermal power auxiliary equipment purchasing bidder market power ranking index system .

  26. 介绍火电厂设备剩余寿命评估和失效分析的一般方法。

    The general methods of remanent | life assessment and failure analysis of the equipments of thermal power plant are introduced .

  27. 利用.Net技术设计并实现了一种适合火电动力设备设计过程的工作流管理系统原型。

    Workflow techniques are applied to design process management to design and implement a workflow management system adapting to thermal power generation equipment design process management through using .

  28. 本文分析了火电厂设备的特殊环境以及设计要求,针对火电厂设备监测现场要求,研究了火电厂设备状态监测系统的硬件和软件。

    This essay analyzes the special environment and design requirement of thermal power plant equipment , considered the actual environment , researched the hardware and software of thermal power plant equipment monitoring system .

  29. 本文从数据的描述性统计分析出发,系统的介绍了多变量统计过程控制技术在火电厂设备故障检测过程中的应用。

    This text sets out from the descriptive statistical interpretation of data , the systematic introduction the application in the Thermal electric power plant equipment fault detection course of changeable capacity statistical process control engineering .

  30. 在管理体制上,结合TPM的特点及我国火电施工企业设备管理实际,研究了TPM在我国火电施工企业中推广和应用的若干操作问题。

    Combining the characteristics with the facts of the plant management in the Thermal Power Construction Enterprises , the author of this paper think that the TPM fit to spread in the Thermal Power Construction Enterprises .