
  • 网络the cause of fire
  1. 如果可能,对情况进行评定并查明火灾原因。

    Assess the situation and try to find out the cause of fire if possible .

  2. 一次短路电弧熔珠和二次短路电弧熔珠是飞机电气火灾原因鉴别的重要物证。

    The primary arc beads and the secondary arc beads are the important evidence for identification of the cause of fire during airplane electrical fire investigation .

  3. 显微组织观察及EDS在火灾原因判定中的应用

    Application of Microstructural Observation and EDS Analysis on Deciding the Fire Hazard Causation

  4. 简析油罐火灾原因及防护措施

    Brief discussion on fire cause of oil tank and its protective measure

  5. 家用电器火灾原因和调查方法的研究

    Study of Fire Cause and Investigation Method for Home Appliance

  6. 论火灾原因认定行为的可诉性

    On the Possibility of Prosecution for Confirmation of the Causes of the Fire

  7. 哈尔滨天潭大酒店特大火灾原因的认定

    Fire cause identification of the disastrous Tian Tan Hotel fire in Harbin city

  8. 化学分析在火灾原因技术鉴定中的应用

    Application of Chemical Analysis to Technical Identification of Fire

  9. 船舶火灾原因及其调查方法

    On the causes of fire accidents on ships and the methods to investigate them

  10. 辽源市中心医院火灾原因调查案例分析

    Investigation and analysis of Liaoyuan Central Hospital fire

  11. 对一起火灾原因之我见

    The View On the Cause of A Fire

  12. 疑难火灾原因调查的探讨

    The research on the complicated fire cause investigation

  13. 火灾原因调查方法及应用

    The Method and Investigation of Fire Causes

  14. 一起油罐爆炸火灾原因调查及分析

    The Investigation and Analyses on the Causes for One Explosion Fire of an Oil Tank

  15. 石油化工静电火灾原因及其防治对策

    The causes of fire conflagrations caused by static electricity of oil and chemical and the countermeasures

  16. 韩国政府已经对火灾原因展开了独立调查。

    The South Korean government has launched its own investigation into the cause of the fires .

  17. 现警方初步估计此次三水港口火灾原因是人为纵火。

    The police now suspect the initial cause of the fire in Sanshui to be arson .

  18. 传统的经验型的火灾原因认定已不能满足当前形势下的火灾调查工作,而应该有科学、准确的技术手段。

    The traditional fire cause identification has been thought to not satisfy the current fire investigation work .

  19. 手术室火灾原因分析及预防

    Fire prevention in operating rooms

  20. 析火灾原因不明

    On unknown fire causes

  21. 同时指出电气火灾原因认定与痕迹物证技术鉴定的相互关系。

    It is shown that there is some relationship between the cause of electrical fire and trace identification .

  22. 探讨火灾原因和事故责任认定的性质从而认识火灾原因和事故责任认定的不可诉性;

    But the cause and liability affirmation of the fire should be not suability according to its property .

  23. 至少有三名消防队员在救火时受伤,火灾原因仍在调查中。

    At least three firefighters were injured in the blaze , the cause of which was under investigation .

  24. 目前的火因鉴定多以通过鉴定铜形成熔痕后的性质来获取和火灾原因相关的信息。

    Current identification of fire is mostly by identifying the molted mark of copper to obtain information about fire .

  25. 这对于安全使用电暖器及其引起火灾原因的调查有着重要的意义。

    It is of important significance in guaranteeing the safety of electric radiators and the investigation of fire cause as well .

  26. 近年来,全国各地由于火灾原因认定行为引起的消防行政诉讼案件在不断增加。

    In recent years , fire administrative lawsuits induced by confirmation of the causes of the fire are increasing throughout our country .

  27. 对告成矿出现的一起钻场火灾原因进行了认真分析,阐述了所采取的主要防范措施。

    The article has analyzed the cause of a fire at drilling field in Gaocheng Colliery and given a full exposition of the major control measures .

  28. 本文阐述了电气线路运行中的火灾原因,具体的防火措施以及日常管理应注意的事项。

    The paper describes the cause of electrical fire , the specific fireproofing measures , and the matters should be paid attention to in daily management .

  29. 叙述了变压器、油开关等电气设备的火灾原因,达到预防火灾,消灭火灾事故,保证安全供电的目的。

    Analyses the fire reasons of transformer , oil switch and other electric equipment in substation , it achieves to prevent fire , ensure safety power supply .

  30. 物证提取作为火灾原因调查和鉴定的前提,在火灾原因调查中起着极重要的作用。

    The collection of material evidence plays a very important role in the fire cause investigation because it is the prerequisite of the fire cause investigation and identification .