
  • 网络citizen's property
  1. 以公民财产权的保护为视角透视土地征用的正当性

    On the Rationality of Land Expropriation from the Point of View of Citizen 's Property Right Protection

  2. 公民财产权的宪法保障制度是根植于西方社会及其法律文化中极其重要的一项制度。

    The constitutional protection of citizen 's property rights is an extremely important system which is implanted in the legal culture of western society .

  3. 行政征用权与公民财产权的界限&公共利益

    The bound between Administrative Eminent Domain and Citizens ' Property Rights & Public Interest

  4. 土地征收补偿是对公民财产权利的保护,同时也是市场经济的内在要求。

    Land expropriation compensation protects personal property and meets the inherent requirement of the market economy .

  5. 我国行政规划中对公民财产权的保障机制严重缺失。

    The administrative planning system in China is seriously lacking in the protection of civil property rights .

  6. 同时,遗嘱自由也体现了法律对公民财产所有权的尊重和保护。

    Meanwhile , freedom of testament also reflects that property law respects and protects the ownership of citizen .

  7. 可以说,没收直接导致对公民财产权的剥夺和限制。

    Can say , confiscate what bring about pair of citizen money property right directly is privative with limitation .

  8. 代表国家行使权力的警察权要体现对公民财产权的维护。

    The police powers represented the state in the exercise of of the right of citizens to safeguard property rights .

  9. 公益征收征用补偿是一项重要的公民财产保障制度和利益平衡机制。

    The system of requisition and expropriation compensation is a important system to protect private proper its and public advantages .

  10. 笔者主要考察了我国宪法对公民财产权的保护,集团性权利救济的意义以及集团性权利救济的障碍。

    The author mainly review the constitutional protection on the citizens ' property , the significance and obstacles of remedies of group right .

  11. 宪政下的税收法律制度应以对国家征税权的严格控制和公民财产权的保障为基本原则。

    Taxation laws as a part of constitutionalism should abide by the principles of strict control over nation taxation right and citizen property right .

  12. 确立公民财产权的宪法地位,建立健全以宪法为依托的系统的财产法律制度,对于社会主义市场经济体制的发展和逐步完善,具有十分重要的意义。

    To establish the constitutional status of civil property right and amplify the poverty law system have of great significance to perfect the socialist marketing economy system .

  13. 在初期,对于侵犯公民财产权、隐私权等获取的证据,如果查证属实的,可以在量刑中予以使用。

    At the initial stage , the evidences which were obtained by violate the civil property rights , privacy , can be used in the sentencing procedure .

  14. 因此,农地制度的优良与否,其制度绩效如何,对我国土地利用、农业生产和公民财产权利保护都具有非常重大的意义。

    So it is very important for land use , agricultural production and right protection of citizen to set up effective agricultural land use institution ( ALUI ) .

  15. 盗窃犯罪是一种多发性的、与人类社会共同进步的犯罪行为,是当前危害我国社会治安和公民财产安全的主要因素。

    The theft is a multiple crime behavior progressing with human society , and is the primary cause against the current social order and property safety of citizens .

  16. 应尽快在立法、行政和司法实践中解决好征地、拆迁过程中公民财产权利的保护问题。

    In the course of land eminent domain , the protection of the property right of the citizens should be maintained in the legislative , administrative and judicial practice .

  17. 而在其它权利的较量中可维护美国的中立和尊严,捍卫公民财产不受侵犯,

    might aid in maintaining the neutrality of the United States with dignity in the wars of other powers and in saving the property of their citizens from spoliation .

  18. 在刑事司法活动中,正确认定和处理涉案财产意义重大,关系到公民财产权利的保护。

    In the criminal justice activities , it is significant to identify and handle property involved in a case correctly , which related to the protection of civil property rights .

  19. 继承法作为民法的重要组成部分,直接关系到公民财产所有权的保护和法的安全价值的体现。

    As an important part of the civil law , inheritance law relates to the protection on the ownership of the private properties and the value for the safety of law .

  20. 因为这与政府对劳工收入或公民财产的征税有关,而且政府部门的奢华势必导致群众中的浪费之风。

    because this bounds the right of the Government to exact tribute from the earnings of labor or the property of the citizen , and because public extravagance begets extravagance among the people .

  21. 我国的法律制度公民财产权的补偿原则和标准方面存在着诸多缺陷,基于公益征收之特殊性及现实条件限制,现实的补偿只能是不断接近理想补偿的公正性补偿。

    It also points out that considering the specialty and the practical condition of the public interests , the compensation in reality can only be a just one that is becoming more and more ideal .

  22. 应当在宪法上确立保护公民财产权的制度、完善税收征管及财政制度的同时,通过行政收费立法规范行政收费权,以法律手段遏制乱收费。

    The institution of protecting property rights shall be established in the Constitution and the system of finance and tax shall be perfected , meanwhile , the administrative charging power shall be controlled by legislation .

  23. 如何合理课税,有效遏制国家的任意征税权以确保公民财产权利是税收立法、执法和司法的重要问题。

    How to impose taxes reasonably and to prevent effectively the nation from levying taxes at casual to ensure the property right of the citizens is the crucial problem of the taxation legislation and enforcement .

  24. 相对于我国,日本建立了严密、完善的土地收用制度,在土地收用程序、政府行政职能、公民财产补偿制度上都有明确、详尽的规定。

    Compared with China , Japan established a strict , perfect land charge system , in charge of land use with procedures , the government administrative functions , citizens property compensation system there are clear , the detailed rules .

  25. 近些年,随着我国社会经济的高速发展,抢夺罪作为一种直接侵害公民财产权利的犯罪,数量呈现高发的态势,严重影响了人民群众的安全感和幸福感。

    In recent years , with our social and economic development , and spoil the crime as a direct violation of property rights of citizens of the crime , the amount of rendered is so high , seriously affecting the masses .

  26. 但我国的民事制裁制度由于其天生的制度性缺陷,在分权制衡、当事人参与等各个方面均违反正当法律程序的要求,民事制裁异化成了侵害公民财产和自由的非正义制度。

    But there exit shortcomings in the system of the civil sanction . The civil sanction violates the requirement of due law process in many aspects like litigant 's taking-part-in , and has become unjust institution against people 's property and liberty .

  27. 在这个背景下,信息安全显得尤其重要,尤其是银行等金融机构的信息安全,涉及到公民财产、隐私等敏感信息,研制适合银行信息安全的系统十分迫切。

    In this context , information security is particularly important , especially banks and other financial institutions , information security , related to citizens ' property , privacy and other sensitive information , the development of information security systems for banks is very urgent .

  28. 主要有刑讯逼供、超期羁押、限制或剥夺律师帮助权、非法监听、滥用搜查、扣押权、随意查询、冻结公民财产、任意处置赃款赃物等表现形式。

    These actions include extorting a confession by torture , extended detaining , limiting or deprival of lawyers ' aiding rights , illegal monitor , abuse of search and detention , willful inquiry , freezing citizens ' property , unconditional handling acquired money and goods .

  29. 论我国公民私有财产权宪法保护制度的完善

    Discussion of the Improvement of Private Property Rights Constitutional Protection System in China

  30. 从《宪法》第十三条的修改谈我国刑诉法对公民私有财产权的保护&兼论我国刑诉法的修改与完善

    On the protection of citizen 's private property right in our criminal procedure law